Wednesday, February 9, 2011


i don't really have anything to talk about. you probably get sick of me saying that. but now i feel like i should just post in here. blah. maybe i should get out of the habit of just posting in here when I have nothing better to do. I don't even have anything to talk about. Blah. I need something to talk about. Let me ask Abby. Now I just have to wait for her to text back, because I always text back faster than everyone else texts me back. That's because I have nothing better to do. Stays at home and does nothing all day. Anyways. Let me go on tumblr for a bit. Never mind, I have been texted.

We have three topics for tonight. The first is prom.

Prom is one of those things I have mixed feelings about. But let me say straight up, I'm going. I'm not one of those people who hate prom so much that they don't go. I do think it gets built up way too much and is overrated. I mean it's kind of weird to think that everyone spends so much effort looking nice for this, and after a few hours it's over and all that effort and worries and build up to it doesn't even matter any more. And all the drama about finding the right dress. It's like just give me the stupid dress, I'll throw some makeup on, brush my hair, pick out a necklace, go have fun, and be done with prom. I think it will be fun and it will be a good time, but only if you don't let the drama get to you. Because you know at least one girl will leave prom crying or heartbroken. So it's better not to have any expectations and just go to have a good time. I think that's all about prom. I'm sure I forgot something.

Second is the next holiday coming up which is Valentine's Day. I was going to save this for later but why not do it now? So Valentine's Day. For some reason this year I'm not so "ew this day." I mean, I'm not super excited but I can see how it is a nice sweet day. I like the idea that people are going to show their affection and be nice. It's an excuse to be extra special. I mean, while for me nothing will happen and it's just another day, I can appreciate that someday it might be a nice day for me. I'm not bitter like "why does Valentine's Day exists, it's so stupid, because i'm so single" because I don't really mind being single. One day I won't be and then I can enjoy Valentine's Day. I can see how if you are lonely that the holiday can be super annoying but I'm not, so. To conclude: I think Valentine's Day is a sweet little holiday. Past years, I disagreed. Maybe that is because I'm in a happier more content place now then I was back then...I think I am at least.

Last is how Abby's hair is like Medusa. It really isn't at all. Because Medusa had really long hair, and Abby's is the opposite. But what about hair cuts in general? Like how Taylor Mathew's got a haircut and OH MY GOD, he looks so hot. And I don't use the word hot often. I mean, he looked good before but now he looks REALLY good. REALLY REALLY good. He had long hair like chin length maybe? Let me go check. Yeah he had hair chin length that flopped over his forehead, but not over his eyes. Now it's short on the sides and there is still some on the top but it isn't on his forehead. Goodness, he looks so good. I met and talked to this guy. Ah. It's amazing how hair can do that. Hair is such a big part of what we see what we look at people. Why? I don't know. But I do it too. I do it all the time. Like you just saw. Anyways. This isn't really go anywhere.

I believe this blog post is over now.