Friday, February 25, 2011

another day, what do you think i did?

if you guessed nothing, you guessed correctly. love it, no actually i don't. and what am i doing tomorrow? well i'm doing something, i have my riding lesson and then i'm helping at a little girl's birthday party. and then what i am doing? oh i don't know, maybe some more nothing. well Molly you have to have something planned for your last vacation night. nope. i don't. most likely tumblr. yeah, tumblr and i have a hot date Saturday night. just like we spent all day together today, it's getting really serious now. what about Sunday, what am I doing then, you ask? well nothing. oh how fabulous.

the only time i have gotten dressed this entire vacation is to go to my riding lesson(s), to go driving, to go to the Harlem Globetrotters, and...that's it. yay for pjs. gah. blah. well i did upgrade to sweatpants, a tshirt, and sweatshirt today. ooo, fancy. but i'll sleep in this tonight.

blah. i hate this. i hate not doing anything. vacation is supposed to be about hanging out and doing stuff with your friends, i haven't done that. i've barely done anything. i've barely even done homework. like this book i'm supposed to be reading, i'll probably end up reading that sunday night because i just don't have any motivation to, even though i know it's a good book. it just sucks. it sucks a lot.

i wish i could sing really well. i want to know what it feels like to sing a song and know you nailed it and no one could have sang it better than you just did. that's never going to happen though. but i can experience it through American Idol, maybe that is why i like it. i know a lot of people don't like it and think it is stupid but i love it because i love seeing people's dreams come true. i love seeing them get a chance because they are so good. that doesn't even completely explain it, but i'm not going to try anymore because you will never get it.

okay back to tumblr this is boring me.