Friday, February 25, 2011

i'm wearing my glasses for the first time in a long time. why? because i'm in my bed and i don't want to be bothered to get up and take my contacts out when i go to sleep. they feels so weird. and i look different. but yeah that's what i'm doing, chilling in my bed with my laptop and cellphone. everyone else is trying to go to sleep.

josh got a tumblr today. it wasn't that hard to convince him to make one. i pretty much said, you should make a tumblr. he didn't want to make one then, so i said how about tomorrow? and he made one. easy peasy. so far all he has done is made one text post himself, and reblogged me. the last post he reblogged from me was 12 pages in my blog, from February 6th. I was not expecting him to go back that far into my posts. I should have looked back there to make sure they were all quality. oh well, they're there. we will see how him having a tumblr goes though because tumblr if a very peculiar place. but i like it very much so i'm going back there now when i really should be going to sleep, maybe shortly. maybe if i get all my tumbling out now then i won't do it as much tomorrow and i'll actually do some IDSs! yeah like that would happen.