Thursday, February 10, 2011

If given one month to live in perfect health, after which you would be gravely ill, what would you do?

I've been thinking about this. It is different than the what would you do if you had no fear question. The truth is I would probably keep doing what I'm doing because I wouldn't know what being ill would include. Maybe as it got closer and closer I would realize that I would never be able to do that again. I would try to do everything possible. I would ride all the time. I would go ice skating. I would go out to the movies. I would spend more time with all my friends. I would just pay attention to the little things. I don't think I would go on a huge trip because when I'm ill that is not what I would miss, I would miss being able to walk through the hallways everyday at school and knowing exactly when I will see my friends. I would miss being able to come home after school and just chill out. I would miss walking into homeroom each morning. I would miss all those little things that I wouldn't be able to do anymore.

Now let's change the question. What would you do if you had been ill for a month, you were healthy for a month, and then you were going to be ill again. I can't answer that correctly because I haven't been gravely ill before. But I think that month of health would mean so much more to you. You could treasure every little thing. I think you would make more of that month than some people do in their entire life.

It's amazing how the worth of a month can change. Like right now I just want to get through February as fast as possible because 1) spring 2) license 3) closer to the end of junior year. I'm looking forward. I'm not treasuring the now, which I would do if I knew that this was the last month I had to enjoy it. But this could be my last month. I don't know that. So why don't I treasure every little thing? I'm not sure if I really know how. I don't know if I ever will. I hope I will, because that is something not a lot of people are able to do. I just hope that when I do learn how to treasure everything it won't be because of something horrible.

Now what have I gotten from this post? For the rest of today I am probably going to pay attention to the little things. Like how I can look over and see Maeve on her computer. How the cats are just chilling out. How I'm at home with my family and we're all just happily being together. How my phone could vibrate at any second because someone wanted to talk to me. How I can talk to Abby through the computer. Will this last? Probably not. Why? Because other things will get on my mind. I'll start worrying about how I have a history quiz and a history test tomorrow. I'll start worrying about how I have so much to get done. I'll start complaining about how I'm sick of my life and how it is so boring. That wouldn't happen if this was the month before I was going to be ill because the thing that would always be on my mind would be that this is my last month.

Thank goodness that isn't the case.