Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"the only thing that ain't blue is the sky 'round here"

so today has been another lazy-pajamas-all-day day. fabulous. good thing? Maeve won on the radio! Mix 93.1 always has all these contests where if you're the certain number caller then you win a prize. Whenever we call they are always busy. So we were home in our pjs, Maeve and Maura were upstairs listening to the radio, and I was downstairs. Maeve told me to listen for Lady Gaga's new song Born This Way and if I heard it call. So the radio girl says "So could this be Lady Gaga's new song?" and then of course it starts playing, and I call but it's busy. I yell up to Maeve and tell her it's busy. Then a few minutes later she runs downstairs and tells me it's Mix and she won, and I have to pretend to be her mom. So this lady comes on and says that my daughter won, and she asks for my name, and a phone number. So I give that to her and she says she'll call back in a little bit. So she calls back and says that someone will call at some point and tell us how to get the CD and asked if I wanted to put it under Maeve's name or mine, and that there was going to be a drawing for the tickets either Friday or Monday. And I was just like "Okay, great, thank you!" and that was it. Then after a few songs we heard Maeve on the radio. They had edited it so it went smoothly, Maeve was really nervous. It sounded awesome though. It was just awesome all together! So she won Lady Gaga's new CD before it is released and she is entered for a drawing to win tickets to her concert. We aren't even that big of Lady Gaga fans, we like her songs but they aren't our favorites. Actually, I don't own any of her songs, just the covers Glee did. But it is still super awesome that she won, we never win those things.

What else did I do today? Nothing else really. I baked some cookies and helped my mom make some quiche. I was proud of myself for making the cookies all by myself, I don't bake or cook...ever. So that was the only productive thing I did. I didn't do any homework, I didn't put away any clothes, and I didn't finish my wall. I was going to do stuff in my room but instead I curled up in my bed and watched youtube videos.

Now back to tumblr.