Tuesday, September 1, 2009

then. now.

NAME: asdfjkl;.doc

KIND: Microsoft Word Document
SIZE: 60 KB on disk
CREATED: 12/1/08 8:02 PM
MODIFIED: 12/1/08 8:02 PM
LAST OPENED: 7/1/09 7:17 PM
[error on the year there, the first Jan 2009 if I remember correctly....]

My friend, Katelyn, has only been my friend for two years about. Before that she was friends with a girl named Shelbie. Last year when Katelyn and I were becoming closer friends Shelbie was beginning to annoy Katelyn to no end and was being completely obnoxious. The summer didn't help much and the two of them didn't talk basically at all. Kaelyn didn't want to be friends with Shelbie any more, Shelbie annoyed her and was completely self-centered. So Katelyn stopped talking to her the next school year [this year] and just sort of tried to avoid her so their friendship could just sort of fade out.

That didn't exactly work.

Shelbie became sort of mad and ticked off I guess. But she never really said anything to Katelyn about it but you could tell. She talked about it to other people saying things like "What is up with Katelyn this year? It is like she has a stick stuck up her ass. She never talks to anyone anymore." Which could easily be translated into - "How come she never talks to me? What is her problem? Why wouldn't anyone want to talk to me? Why?" Katelyn talked to me all the time so it obviously was just Shelbie.

Finally when it seemed like Shelbie might finally be taking a hint and leaving Katelyn alone she came onto AIM. And guess what Shelbie did? Accused Katelyn of drinking. This is the dialogue (yeah, I have it saved):

SHELBIE: i have a question 4 u


SHELBIE: rumor has it u have been drinkin... is it at all true??

SHELBIE: not a lil but on a regular basis

KATELYN: uhm. wtf?

SHELBIE: just forget i said anything

KATELYN: who the hell said that?

SHELBIE: it just seems like u r wicked depressed because u don't talk 2 anyone anyone any more... and ya just forget i mentioned anything

then she goes on to say...

SHELBIE: i have one more question for u


SHELBIE: ok why don't u talk 2 anyone any more

KATELYN: like last year we were best friends and now u hate me

SHELBIE: well practically

KATELYN: I don't hate you. It's just, idk, it's too much of a story. Basically shit has happened and I can't trust a lot of people anymore. and I am sick of people all together right now.

First of all if you were really Katelyn's friend you wouldn't believe that crap for a second. You would have stood up for you friend not go and ask her if it is true or not. And there she doesn't say who she heard it from but later on she reveals her sources. Katelyn was completely outraged and I was online the same time all of this happened so of course she was telling me everything. I honestly think that Katelyn overrated a little bit.

But this all seemed to be in the past now. Shelbie dropped it and Katelyn hadn't brought it up in a while. Then Katelyn saw some comments on a picture from a dance on Facebook. Each one of this are on different days.

SHELBIE: Wow...that was a great night back when everyone was talking to each

SHELBIE: I'm kinda getting sick of this no talkin thing. : (

SHELBIE (after some other comments): Do you know what's up with Katelyn this year?? She like doesn't talk to anyone anymore...almost like she is depressed.

MICHELLE: hahah Shelbie you are so right!

SHELBIE: lol...i tried talking to her but now she hates my guts but ohh way she can keep shoveing that stick further up her ass 4 all i care.

ABBY: I have no idea what is going on ask her. yeah i don't talk to everyone but most...some more than others.

KATELYN: Shelbie - you don't talk to someone by accusing them of drinking. And the reason why I don't talk to as many people as I did before is because I need to watch what I say to people, that's all. I have trust issues and now I can't trust a damn thing with anyone because of this.

EVERYONE now thinks that I'm a drunk, thank you.

SHELBIE: Katelyn - u r th only one i talk 2 about that besides the person who told me...i swear i didn't tell anyone else until i talked 2 vicky because she told me pple were saying i was spreading a rumor about u drinking, its not my fault u have trust issues so stop blaming me 4 everything. DAM ur parinoid, stuff like that blows over so chill the f**k out. BTW i wasn't accusing u i just asked because i herd that from someone else and i was trying 2 find the truth, and i tried talking 2 u before the whole drinking thing and that didn't work. Calm down please before u go on a huge killing spree cause i know i would prob be on the top of ur hit list 4 just trying 2 gt 2 the bottom of a very pressing issue.

After that last comment from Shelbie, Katelyn deleted her one comment and Katelyn told me. "I never blamed her for anything besides making that rumor (which she did) and for telling people.

Did i say she caused my trust issues, no...even though she does..

I'm really angryy."

This is what I think about it. Shelbie is just upset that Katelyn isn't spending time with her. And I love the way she spells all of her words.

Anyways we came back to school today after the weekend when those big comments were posted. I have lunch with Shelbie and Katelyn has the lunch after us. So at lunch I sat down with two people and then Shelbie joined us. I completely ignored her. Then Shelbie brings the whole thing up to the person sitting next to me (Shelbie was on the other side of her). I started paying attention and then Shelbie turns to me and says "You know what I am talking about right Molly?" and I was like "Yeah." Then I started to say things like "How could you even believe something like that?" And she said "I didn't. I just had to make sure." And I began to question her and basically attack her. I said "Why did you even post those things on Facebook? Everyone could see that because you commented on a picture that was on the Class of 2012 group." and "How come you were telling people?" when she went on to say "I didn't tell anyone!" After that I began to list off people who she told. And I kept saying things like that until she had nothing to say. At that point I turned to the other person I was sitting with and talked with her. Shelbie then went and sat with Michelle who I guess was the person who told Shelbie the rumor in the first place. The two of them talked for the rest of the lunch period and kept glancing over to us. The two friends who were at my table and I laughed at them looking over at us and that was that.

So what do you think? Completely stupid? I believe it is. It is just sort of gah. Somehow I managed to get myself into this and they are probably gossiping about me too now. But who cares.

That was then. Last year. I'm not going back there. I am about to delete that document forever. Why am I keeping it here? Probably because I hate getting rid of things forever. One day when I am out of high school I will read this and will be thanking that I am out of that hell hole of highschool or I will be wishing my problems were that small or I will be calling my ninth grade self stupid or I will be praising myself. Whatever happens that was last year. This year I'm a sophomore. This year will be different. Better. I will do whatever I can to make that happen.