Thursday, September 10, 2009


i have survived six days of school i believe. wed. thur. fri. tues. wed. thur. yeppers. i was planning on doing homework during this short time i have before i have to go babysitting but as you can see, that's not happening. this is the place where i can just write without worrying what i'm saying. this is my "you are not suppose to keep all your emotions bottled up inside, don't be afraid to cry" place because in all reality you can't show your emotions in real life because then a bunch of other crap will happen. but if everyone showed their real emotions, like it wasn't possible not to, then we would live in a completely different world.

so every school year there is something to sort of comes to the top of your list. this list being the one involving most of your attention and energy. this year and last year it was a new guy. which sort of sucks for me. but it keeps me entertained and thinking about something instead of getting into the slump that i was near the end of the year last year, "i don't know what i wake up in the morning for except for my future and family". so yeah, now i sort of have something i'm doing during school other than school work, the whole keeping busy thing. anyways i'm trying to think of the best way to go about writing down everything that has happened in the past two days and how i was feeling in about five to ten minutes. maybe i'll do bullets and see how far i get. - indicates something that happened or was said * indicates something i thought. let's see how this works and since i really don't feel like writing his name out all the time his name is going to be Friend just because i feel like it.

- Friend wasn't in homeroom so my whole fearless plan seemed to be crushed
* what if he comes in late and i'm in the office when he does so?
- 2nd period, barely there and bam in comes Friend with his mother. both of them look kind of loss but i explain what needs to be done and such and mother leaves and Friend goes off to chemistry
* i should have told him to breathe, he looked very lost but i'm so special that i think of this stuff afterwards
- lunch was uneventful and kind of boring
- algebra class i say to Friend "did you have fun at your doctor's appointment" and then we go through a bunch of stuff and i could tell he was confused about know i knew, he thought that i came in late too at once point then i said "i work in the office 2nd period on A days" and he got it and that was pretty much the end of our conversation as The Snot started yelling at us
- english Friend worked with Heather, Jon, and Josh on a sentence pattern thingy which was fine cause i'm too far away to ask him to work with him without getting up out of my seat and making a big deal out it, plus Katelyn would have killed me and i don't like having her in my english class too much but i'll deal
- history me Steph and him were the first ones in and i talked to him about the sentence stuff in english and he told me about last year with Free Rice and such then i believe the convo sort of drifted off because everyone else sort of came in and made it so he was too far away from my seat so i moved to Stephanie
- was in a good mood for the rest of history class
- end of the day including Friend

today, thursday
- homeroom i came in and none of my friends were in there but Friend was there so i went over and asked him how he did on the algebra homework and when that went nowhere i asked him about english and he hadn't done it yet and i believe that is when Abby came in and the convo sort of drifted towards them cause i can't partake in any dance convo and i believe i asked Heather what happened to her leg somewhere in there and that was in
- remembered and told Abby about The Creeper posting "HEY MOLLY!" about five times on my facebook and me deleting them all this morning (off topic)
- lunch i ate my lunch with Stephanie and then went over to the table where he, Katelyn, Devin, Becca, Paige, Danielle, Vicky, and Haley were eating. i believe that Sawyer was mostly talking to Vicky and i mostly talked to Katelyn and Becca who BOTH have a crush on Friend which is incredibly stupid because they don't talk to him
- before algebra i didn't say anything i don't believe because he came in later than normal and there was no time
- english same thing, didn't say anything except him and Devin started saying some stupid number/cosemetic thing that got really annoying
- when we were all walking to english he talked to Vicky and Katelyn just annoyed me
- history i talked to him about diagramming and how he thought it was easy i think but now i have to leave for babysitting and i was just getting to the best part so i shall have to do it when i get back. and the only reason i am doing this is so i don't forget anythinggg.