Friday, September 18, 2009

i'm getting my keyboard all cheesy

so i'm not really in a bad mood so i'm not sure what i am going to write about. right now my head is trying to think of a topic. there are a bunch but i don't really feel like settling on one. but i feel like writing. but i don't feel like writing a story either because the girl always ends up being too much like me and then i get frustrated at it or i never know where to go with a story. so then why i am writing this? i already told you, i feel like writing. maybe i'll looking up some creative writing exercise or prompt or something and do it. be right back.

"That shoe is going to fit my foot. I have not spent my whole life in this dump for nothing," Opal spat walking up towards the glass shoe that had just been thrown on the floor by her twin sister after it hadn't been able to fit her foot. "I am going to marry the prince." She ignored the grunt of her twin, Yolanda, the rolling of the eyes from the duke, and the glass dropped from the maid, Cinderella, behind her.

She extended her leg and waggled her foot in the duke's direction until he picked up the shoe from the ground and began to place it on her foot. She stared at the glass as she watched it move over her foot. She grinned as the shoe smoothly made it's way onto her foot. She moved her foot away from the duke and put it on the ground. It fit perfectly. "I told you. I am going to marry the prince. I am the best one here, obviously. I knew it all along. I don't belong here!" Opal shouted into the air jumping around in the air. She ignored the tears coming from Yolanda and didn't pay any attention to where Cinderella ran off too.

"Excuse me. You need to have the other shoe to marry the prince," the duke said smugly to Opal, knowing there was no way someone like her would be the girl the prince wanted to marry. But Opal's grin just grew wider as she reached into her purse and pulled out the matching shoe. She had found it in Cinderella's room the other day and knew that there was no way she could have something so nice in her belonging, so she gave it to herself as a gift. Now it paid off. "Ha. I am a princess and there is nothing you can do about it."

"No! You stole my shoe!" a voice came from the hallway followed by Cinderella running into the room. "That is mine! I was the one dancing with the prince, I had to run away before any one found who I was. That...that...bitch...stole it from my room." Cinderella was screaming in Opal's face.

"Did you just call me a bitch? Well for that I believe you have earned yourself two years in the palace's dungeon. Wait, you don't deserve to set foot in the palace, how about that old shed, maybe the prince will have some suggestions," Opal snapped back.

Cinderella opened her mouth before shutting it again and then opening it along with lifting and lowering her hands. "'t...arggggg!" she managed to get out not being able to figure out what she wanted to say. "Can't I try on the shoe?"

"NO! The shoe fits me and me only. No need for you to try it on. Not to mention that you weren't even at the ball, you were stuck at home so it couldn't possibly be you," Opal said stepping away from her step-sister and closer to the duke. "Let's go, time to go to the palace...wait, my palace! MY palace," she said to him beginning to walk out the door.

Cinderella jumped up and grabbed onto the back of Opal's dress. "No. I am not going to let you leave."

Without turning around Opal just replied, "If you do not let go of me you will spend the rest of your life without food or water, shortening your life by several years." Cinderella felt herself let go and crumple to the floor. "Duke, we leave NOW or else you shall join Cinderella."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Hello, husband-to-be". The prince's face dropped when he saw Opal. She didn't look anything like the girl he danced with at the ball but she was wearing the exact same shoes that the girl was. He turned to look at the duke but he shrugged. The prince was stuck. He promised that he would marry the girl who fit into that shoe and had the other one. He was about to make his life a nightmare.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"How did this happen?" Cinderella was sitting on the floor of her room crying. Her fairy godmother was perched on her bed.

"I don't know honey, this is outrageous! I will have to...I could...The head of all fairies...I don't know" the fairy mumbled not knowing how to respond to Cinderella.

"Well I guess I will have to brush myself off and move on with my life..."


So did you guess what my prompt was? So I would copy and paste it but it sort of isn't liking me right now and I don't feel like writing it all out. But if you go here it is number four. (:

Anyways I like the beginning but then I just wanted to finish it so I sort of make the ending quickly. But I wrote and I'm sort of satisfied now. Talk to you all tomorrow.