Friday, September 25, 2009

i ate more three hundred goldfish today.

so i'm not sure what i really want to write now. i don't have something that i am burning about writing about. i sort of have moved on from last night, we will see if things change after our sister talk. i am tempted to shot her an e-mail telling her how i got a 58 on a quiz today and a 75 on an essay in the same class. whatever.

this weekend is going to be full of fun. i am only having a half a lesson tomorrow and then Maeve is going to ride the other half. both using my horse. we will see how it goes. and after that i am currently not doing anything unless Abby invites me over which she was talking about. that would be extremely good. especially since i have a horse show on sunday. which i haven't been thinking about lately. i know it is there but i'm not letting myself think about it too much. so next subject.

i ate 300 goldfish today about. maybe more. maybe less. more than sounds better than about. this would be the perfect opportunity to go into stuff about my lesson today but i'm not going to. my horse is just amazing. and i doubt i will ever be friends with Taylor or anything more than we are now, not that i want to at all.

in the friend department. i'm hoping Katelyn is getting the hint that she doesn't need to follow me around all the time. but it is hard when i don't have someone else to go to instead of her. so instead i either cave and go back to her or just sit there silently. it sucks. and i have already discovered i am no good at making friends. i really need a gay guy to be my friend. well i don't know that for sure but so far in every book/tv show/whatever i have always liked the gay guy the best, but not in the Edward Cullen like sort of way. i was watching the Secret Life of the American Teenager and there was a wonderful new cast member who is gay and he is just wonderful. and Glee go watch it. i love that show so much. i sort of don't like that Quinn got pregnant because that is sort of predictable but it does make it more exciting for Mr. Shoe's situation and such. but anyways i love the show Glee.

i'm reading this book called Hard Love by Ellen Wittlinger and i am loving it. it rings really true to me. i wish that i could write zine and such like they do.

and father do not listen to Dr. Biggs when he says you should look over our shoulders when we are on the computer. i hate it.

and maeve knows this blogs exists. i asked her not to tell our parents about it. i have been debating about letting her read it but i don't think so. maybe pick and choose some but i don't know. i have to think about it some more and such. but yeah okay. i think i should stop writing before my dad decides to look over my shoulder again.