Thursday, September 10, 2009

day six times two

so just to end it this off i am going to copy and paste what i just told Abby what happened during seventh period

so we had about 10 minutes of class left over when Ms. C was done talking so we could move our seats. Sawyer sat in front of me to talk to Devin who is diagonal from me now and Steph sat on the chairs near the computer. so i was talking to Steph while Sawyer and Devin were talking then Katelyn came over and sat at the other chair then Steph wrote on her notebook "devin likes sawyer" which i said outloud "duh" then i wrote on it "stalker" then Katelyn added on the paper "and Becca and Kayla Peters who said she LOVES him" then i think they wrote more and before they were talking about if he was gay or not cause some people thought so and i was sort of getting upset at them gossiping about him when he was sitting right there. then Devin had to leave with Heather and Sawyer had gotten up to ask Mrs. C something and i had taken off my glasses to get off some paint and he came back and said "you should just get contacts" and i said "i would but my eyes are too sensitive they say" and he said "yeah that is what my eye doctor said then i changed and they work fine now" and then i explained now i had surgery when i was 2 for my lazy eye and i had eye drops every day then Sawyer told us about when he got hit in the eye with a snowball and his iris turned red and he was so close to become blind which grossed the three of us out and how he was out of school for 5 days which most were snow days and how he couldn't go on the computer just watch movies and then i said something about my parents have lasic surgery then my dad having surgery on his knees and all he did was play video games, Katelyn or Steph said "wii?" and i said "no xbox, how could he play wii when he had surgery on his knee?" and then Steph and Sawyer said that you could play wii from sitting down and then the bell rang and we all went our separate ways. and during all of this Katelyn, the one who has a crush on Sawyer, didn't say anything. which i understand but i also know it doesn't work. and that's my day. XD

and now let me show you my facebook horoscope for today which i think could be pretty accurate:

Today is a day on which you can trust rumors and hearsay, but only if these whispers are about something good, Cancer. It seems odd that good news tends to be kept quiet these days. And it seems that you are somehow involved in one of these efforts to suppress some information. What started as an honest and open statement is being suppressed or distorted by other people. It may be that co-workers or neighbors are having a fit of jealousy about something that is a good and solid reason for the subject of the rumors to be happy, and are trying to produce a negative overlay or spiteful put-downs to keep from sharing in the happiness. But this kind of pettiness and jealousy doesn't really matter now, does it-

This is a time for you, Cancer, where you will see some changes in your overall approach to romantic affairs. You have been spending some much needed time in introspection and reflection, and this will pay off for you in this period. You are becoming much more in tune with your specific needs and how they related to your love affairs. This is setting you up well for progress in love, and the changes that arise as a result are going to be favorable for you. Whether you are single or attached, you are going to find yourself instinctively attracted to exactly what you need to be attracted to today. This is one of those periods where if it feels good, go for it, and you will certainly reap the rewards.

There is no limit to love's forbearance, to its trust, its hope, its power to endure.