Friday, September 4, 2009

today is september four.

in case you didn't know today is september fourth. this is my ninth post in september. this blog is becoming my best friend. "hi" "hi" "you're my new best friend!" oh-k, got that over with. ;)

but today i went to a makeover type class. the other attendees? three 12 year olds, a 1o year old, and three parents. two of the 12 year olds already wear makeover. well guess what? i shall be joining them once my three different types of eyeshadow, eyeshadow case, face cleaner type clean, another thingy like that, tinted moisturizer, lipgloss, and maybe some other things.

now if i'm following the happy positive side thing i should be glad that i am learning these skills in a low stress situation. but i'm not in a good mood right now. want me to list reasons? probably not but this is the ninth post out of the four days of september i'm gonna do what i want, this is my blog isn't it? actually i'll go through my days and say the positives and negatives.

morning at my locker with Abby and Stephanie +
walking around with Stephanie to see Maeve +
bringing Maeve into the homeroom and introducing her to everyone +
talking to Ms. Streker about my horse +
period one, spanish, working with Sarah awkwardly -
period two, office aide, going to Mrs. O'Brien's room and talking to Dr. Biggs +
period three, science, got to work with Katelyn =/+
lunch =/+ nothing special
period four, got knocked to the ground by three tenth graders while trying to defend my side on capture the flag, i better have gotten full credit for that class -
period five, algebra, messed up almost all of the five problems that we were doing but luckily i wasn't called on but felt way too quiet and awkward and such in that class -
period six, every time i talked i didn't feel like myself and felt incredibly awkward -
period seven, worked on finding sites for history day but i lost all of them on the e-mail because safari wasn't responding and i had to quit, plus i didn't get to sit next to Stephanie because the computer next to her wasn't working -
bus ride, had to sit in the front in the same seat as Maeve because the rest were taken -
rode my horse +
had to deal with everyone else at the barn -
was starving at the barn while i was waiting for my mother to arrive -
came home and posted on my blog a lot +
dad got home in a bad mood -
ate chinese and felt sick afterwards -
went to the fyi makeover thing =/-
was in a bad mood afterwards -
wrote this blog +
totals: + 10 & - 12 & some =

so yeah that was my dad. i really need to change some - into + but instead of changing myself, i think i need to feel more comfortable with myself. confidence and self esteem. like going and reading the last paragraph of the previous blog. now i'm exhausted but i have to finish wipeout, my popcorn, and some apple juice. (: