Tuesday, September 22, 2009

this one's for you.

dear future readers,

well hello. i'm not sure if i have ever addressed a blog to you. but right now that is what i am doing. i am talking to you. directly to you. and now this means i will have to get this to you one day. so by making a letter to you i am making a promise to myself that i will get this blog published.

anyways i'm going to give you some advice. how old are you? 15? younger? older? are you a student? a mother? a father? a teacher? whoever you are this can be directed to you to use however you like. right now do i know what this advice is? no. i am going to make it up as i go along. this whole blog, including every post, is advice. take my blog and my life and my mistakes and my trails and my thoughts and use them. i want my teenage life to be good for something and if it means helping you out then that is probably the best thing it is good for.

smile. relax. simplify. those are three things that are incredibly hard to do. i give them as advice or what to do all the time but i never do it. no one is perfect. and i'm not trying to be. i'm just trying to be the best i can be. so enjoy yourself. you are only living one life. and don't worry about making mistakes.

parents do not look over your child's shoulder when they are on the computer and read whatever they are typing or looking at. my father just did that. trust them enjoy where you don't need to see what they are doing. i almost started crying when i thought of my father reading what i had just wrote. he will eventually when i get this published. hi daddy. and while i am at it let me say hi to the rest of my family. hi mommy. hi maeve. hi maura. i wonder what you guys are thinking now when you are reading this.

maybe i don't want to get this published. what will my family think? will they think any less of me because of this? will they be hurt at all? i can't remember what i have said about them. but let me say something now. i love you.

now back to you. i sort of got off topic there but i also do that. i do that a lot. thoughts don't stay on a certain path. but how is life going for you? is it hell? sorry about that but everything will work out. everything does. it may seem like that isn't possible but it will. just have hope.

people are just like you. put yourself in their shoes. people think the same way you do. you aren't the only one who is thinking and feeling that way. is that a good thing or a bad thing? i don't know. sometimes it is a comfort to know there are people who are going through the same thing as you and sometimes it isn't. sometimes that just makes you feel worse. well me at least.

what i want you to do now is start thinking for yourself. take your thoughts and put them far away from everything and everyone. don't let them be influenced unless you want them to be. don't let people affect your feelings. you are in control of them. it may seem like you have no control over them. but trust me you do. you have more control than you think.

just like the name of this blog, these are just some random words. take them as you wish. i'm just a 15 year old girl trying to survive. i'm a typical teenager to the core. average and such. but i'm not going to let it stay that way. i'm going to rise above this and it is just going to make my success story be even better.

i keep getting all these "failed to save retrying..." messages and now i have a big fat red bar with "ERROR" above this. maybe that means i shouldn't post this up on my blog. but i'm going to anyways. i'm honest in my blog. as honest as my thoughts let me be.

thank you for reading this. i love each and every one of you just for reading this. and if you think that i am just publishing this for the money i'm not. that is very far from my mind. i know that i am going to make enough money in my wonderful business that i won't need any money from this. and if i don't become a successful business woman i won't feel like i failed. it just means my path changed in a way that i have no possible way of knowing now. but right now i have a goal and i'm going to do what i can to get there. which includes surviving hi!school.

again thank you and you can do it. i promise.

Molly Ronan (: