Wednesday, September 16, 2009

bullet it.

- the word of the day is logorrhea. i find that out near the end of the day. i'm going to use it all the day tomorrow instead.

- update on the positive thing. um didn't really think of it during the day. so it didn't work in other words. going to try again? probably not. depends on my mood during homeroom. when i get to school after i have been awake for 15 minutes not thinking positive.

- love drunk is a wonderful album

- stepping stones by tj cornwall is also a wonderful album

- i'm tired

- tomorrow will be the first time i ever wear makeup. that is if i wake up before 7:10

- i need to simplify and stop worrying

- the strangest thing is seeing the kids i've grown up with since preschool during school. it's like those years have disappeared. some of them haven't changed at all. it always make me stop and think when i watch them, which sounds sort of sketchy but not really. this year i have been thinking of elementary school a lot and what all the kids were like then. not sure why. maybe it's because i miss it.

- i have been a horse owner for two months.

- i am a fan of the show Glee

- my favorite color is purple

- i want to write a book. right now.