Tuesday, September 29, 2009

class rings anyone?

i am sort of in a good mood right now but i'm also tired so i should go to sleep now and i don't have much to write about but throughout the day i have acquired a bunch of stuff throughout the day that i could talk about. i should try to limit myself to less than ten minutes. it's 8:04 now. GO.

katelyn has become my little shadow. today in history we had to walk around the desk looking at different documents and such. she followed me. literally. steph and everyone else just sort of when at looked at everything at their own speed. she followed me. wherever i went she followed. get out of my face. and the other flip side when we walk out of english she runs out and tried to catch up with Vicky leaving me by myself then yells back at me if i remembered something that happened last year. of course i remember, i don't forget anything.

and can you let up on the "logorrhea" all over my stuff? that use to be my word. my own word. but now you, Katelyn and Stephanie, took it and think that now you have to write it on your arm two days in a row and write it all over my book. thanks for changing the meaning of the word to me. now whenever i see it instead of thinking "extreme talkativeness" i'll think of my little shadows.

and class rings are kind of stupid and pointless but i want one anyways. i'm sure next year i won't be so excited about it. i decided a bunch of different ones online at today. but they are pretty awesome. but $200 to $300 dollars is kind of expensive for a ring that who knows how long you will wear and is the cheapest kind of metal they have.

okay i just went and looked stuff up about the world ending in 2012. maeve heard about it for the first time on the bus from mr. jonathon himself. she was freaking out about it. now it has sort of made it's way into my mind. but really we have no way of knowing until it happens. but wasn't the world suppose to end in 2000? and i just saw a list of all the dates the world was suppose to end but it didn't. and then there was a whole bunch about 2011. so we shall just wait and see. all we can do is live our lives. it would suck though if the world ended before i got to live my life.

and on the bus today jonathon said something about Maeve's personality, how she is sarcastic and something else, i missed it because i was laughing, and that is what he likes about her, apparently. but i thought it was hilarious, or amusing as i told him. Maeve thinks he is a werido.

anyways tomorrow is a new day of school. i'll survive. i know i will. will i enjoy it? probably not.

it's 8:22. i'm exhausted. night.