Thursday, April 1, 2010


THE BIG NEWS IS THAT there isn't any big news. april fools.

I hate April Fool's Day. but hey that was pretty good, wasn't it? you got all excited thinking i had finally made the move that would move the heroine's life in the right direction where she would get her prince charming and her life would be wonderful - or at least more exciting. you know like in your favorite book. too bad that didn't happen. but i thought of plenty of scenes where it could have happened. i have to leave in 10 minutes but i'll just keep talking until then.

so my latest i think i thought of either last night or this morning when i was still surrounded by the blanket of sleep (?). was that Ryan asked me to the junior prom. well it is because his friends convince him to ask a sophomore and when he does i was all smart and witty in replying him. i don't remember how i started out but i asked him if this was a one time thing, and if we were going to get together before, and if i was a one night thing i didn't want anything to do with it because i didn't want all this time i spent thinking about him to just end with one night. and yeah i don't remember much else. other than i ended up saying i would go and such.

today we had a class meeting and at first our class officers told us that we were in debt. that i could believe. but then they said that our class adviser quit on us because they were so frustrated. that i didn't believe. then i heard someone say "april fools" and then i realized they were lying. especially since our class advisers were right there. so it ends up we aren't in debt. and if everyone pays their dues then we would be in great shape.

but they mentioned going to Look Park for a barbeque sometime, hopefully soon. Ally said she would go if i went, she is the only one i talked to about it. i haven't talk to you about Ally though. it turns out i am capable of making new friends. sure it was kind of by default but it counts. she dropped out of french class a couple weeks after art started and joined our class. she happened to sit in the seat next to me, i don't know if Mr. Smith told her to sit there or whatever. but i sort of helped her along and we hit it off. well since she was the only one i talked to in that class, or the only one i wanted to talk to and i think it went the same way to me. and she said that for my birthday she would bring me to the midnight showing of Eclipse. i told her i wanted to bring Abby and maybe Stephanie and she said sure. her mom even said sure. then she said we had to hang out sometime. see i told you i could make friends. but anyways now i have to go babysit. so i'll tell you about our junior prom and lookpark more later.