Tuesday, April 20, 2010


is amazing. fabulous. wonderful. and i just finished watching it.

so i'm gonna give you the low down. that's such a weird expression. low down. strange.

anyways the big sex context in tonight's episode was a bit awkward like it always is. i will be happy when i go back to watching it on my little computer screen with my headphones. but Finn was silly and had Sex with Santana but then lied and said he didn't because he didn't feel anything afterwards which kind of makes me mad. not the lying part. the part where he did it. Rachel wouldn't go through with it which made Jessie come to McKinley (eekk. more later). and Emma didn't do it either but i love her and i'm glad she didn't. so that's the sex part of this week's episode. moving on to the actual good stuff.

it was MADONNA week! woohoo. honestly i don't Madonna very well but I do know she is an icon. a bigg icon. and from this episode i like her a lot. all about empowering girls to be strong, confident, and capable. you don't know how wonderful that theme was in this episode. it was great. reallyyyyy. i'm trying to go through it again through my head. it's hard. it was so amazing.

JESSIE JOINED THE GLEE CLUB! AHHHH! i am so excited. he said he joined because of Rachel but he is most probably a spy. but still. Maeve thinks he is ugly but i do not think so at all. nooopeee. the more he is in the show and the more he sings the better. is he coming on tour? he's not said to be but mayyybeeee. it was weird watching him perform with all the glee kids in the last song but it was still kind of great. i cannn nottt wait until next week. and i'll have to wait until Wednesday to watch it. grr.

ummm Tina is amazing and Artie was a jerk for telling her to change but she showed him and then he apologized. and Rachel should really just cut all the crap with Jessie and get back together with Finn but you know that ain't gonna happen.

i have to say probably the best song was when the guys sang "What It Feels Like For a Girl" ahhahahhh. everyone should be forced to watch this show. seriously. and Kurt and Merceedes joining the Cherrios? woooooo. love this show. love love love this show.

it is weird that sometimes i get...jealous...that probably isn't the right word when i see people all GLEE enthusiastic like on Facebook and stuff - just random peeps - because it's like my show. it's my show and i'll share it with who i want to. but then i just said that everyone should have to watch this show. i'm just a wreck. but maybe you get what i mean. it's just weird.

there is probably something else i should talk about relating to this episode. but i can't think of anything. i'm tired. so i'm going to go up to bed, hold onto my ipod, and listen to glee songs all night long. sounds like a plan stan.