Saturday, April 10, 2010

i thought of something else to write about.

i'm still bored and even though i just posted the last post a few seconds ago i just thought of something else to write about. i already posted it before. it's my "write something about you" section on facebook.

"words will destroy you. or create you. just don't let them become you."

what the heck does that mean. i'm not really sure. i was just tired of seeing "write something about you here" so i just started writing and it seemed appropriate to write about words since that was what i was using. words are so weird. we think in words. we talk in words. they are the main way we get our point across. of course they is body language, tone of voice, but we don't use them as much as words. everything is words. maybe that's why i want to learn more languages. because for those people those words are their life. it's easy for us to just ramble on with our words. all they are is a bunch of lines. and somehow all those lines can convey someone's feelings and tell people to do it and make people happy and upset. what if suddenly we couldn't use words. they just disappeared. what would we do? grunt? hand gestures? that would go way back before we created words. strange.

but to talk about my quote. i made it up. i'm only quoting it because i want to. but words can destroy you easily. you say the wrong thing and suddenly that boy is running away, you don't get the job, and you find yourself in a situation you never ever ever dreamed of being in or wanted yourself to be in. words are stupid in that sense. but then if you say the right thing then suddenly you have a boy dreaming about you, the get the best job in the world, and you are in a situation you never actually believe you would be in because it is so amazing. all because of stupid words. some people make their career out of words by talking to people for a living or by writing a book made up of words. while other people avoid words. well not too many. because most jobs include words in some way, whether it be talking to other people or typing words on a computer. except for mimes. they have a cool wordless job.

but what about "you're having my baby" - sorry that's what glee soon just came. "what a lovely way of saying how much you love me". anyways. what about when i say "but don't let them become you". i guess i mean that don't let you become all talk. you talk and write but you don't do anything. actions. they don't require any words. but here i'm saying don't let them become you but by having this blog i am. if anyone read this blog without knowing me then i would become words to them. and that's it. so i don't know. it was stupid anyways. and probably no one will even read it on my profile. facebook is stupid. i should have never joined. i spend too much time on there. and i spend too much time on this blog. we need to go back to the good old days when you would go outside and walk around with the kids from your neighborhood instead of watching tv, playing video games, or going on the computer. that doesn't happen now. at least not in westhampton where the houses are miles apart.