Thursday, April 8, 2010

let's chat. let us chat.

where to start. i'm kind of tired. i'm going to go walk in downtown noho tomorrow with Ally. it should be fun. yay. my mother is talking to her mother on the phone. and now she is off the phone. and now i am going to talk about serious stuff.

like politics. that's serious right? it's serious how just because I live in Massachusetts every assumes I'm a democrat. and now everyone bashes on republicans like that's the only reason they exist. seriously. they just assume that everyone hates George W. Bush and maybe if they do realize that not everyone hates them they don't care. i know that teachers aren't supposed to put their views out there but they do. they aren't like "I'M A DEMOCRAT AND YOU SHOULD BE TOO" but in english class yesterday we watched a music video about Pink bashing George Bush. ummm. if i told my father that he would probably be upset. and there are always side comments, normally directed towards George Bush, related to his grammar or other various problems. and there are always comments towards republicans in general. it's frustrating. especially for me. i'm not sure if i am a democrat or republican. people would assume that i'm a democrat because i live in MA and people might also assume i'm a republican because my parents are. the truth is i don't have enough information about either. all the democrats at school do is bash the republicans and all my parents do is tell me not to get brainwashed. i don't have any real concrete facts or whatever. it's like everyone just assumes that i know what a democrat believes and what a republican thinks. hopefully when i get into college i can take an unbiased course on politics. or maybe go to a school that isn't completely democratic. i hope you get where i'm coming from. and i hope you understand i don't judge people because they are democratic or republican. i judge them when they bash each other and when they believe that it is okay to make fun of a person just because they believe he deserves to be made fun of. they should be suspended.

yeah. so Ally said that she witnessed the bullying taking place in english class. whenever Megan would walk in they would all make noises and someone told her that a fat kid shouldn't wear a dress. people like Ally believe that they should of gotten suspended while other people think that Megan is making it all up for attention...cough Katelyn. i'm just proud of Megan for standing up and still coming to school and dealing with this all day. and dealing with having people talk about her while she is in the same room. IN THE SAME ROOM. they weren't talking about her behind her back they were talking about her in her face. it was disgusting. Katelyn, Paige, Mary, and Chantel were all doing in science. it's none of your business anyways so shut your mouth and stop talking about it. try to at least make her school experience a little bit better. i tried to do that today during science class. i think i at least put a smile on her face when i was holding up my rat and pretending she was running around. it may have just been because she was disgusted but you know.

gym class sucked. i consider it character building. we had to play whiffle ball and i can't hit the stupid ball. and i had to hit twice and i was the worse. the other "bad" players on the team only had to hit once if that. it sucked. but hey i kept my head up high, challenging them to say something. they didn't say anything. so whatever.

the mind. i think i have to talk about that. and about how it's weird. and strange. and just yeah. how does it work? why is it so strange? how do other people see me? what do they think? do they know that i think about them? do other people's mind work the same way mine does? this paragraph is pointless.

everyone has someone right. something. right? just that thing they are worried about. the thing they think about all the time. or maybe there is more than one. or maybe not. i don't know. i think about a lot of things. and a lot of people. if you cross my path at some point in the day then i have probably thought about you. like how Scott held the door open for me when i walked into the school from gym while every other guy just let it fall behind him. i notice things like that. and like how i notice a bunch of white vans that could easily hide a child drive by when i'm babysitting. and how Maddy gets annoyed at Matt when he pays attention to other girls. and i also see all the opportunities i have slip away. maybe i'm more observant than the normal person. maybe i'm not. maybe i'm just strange in general. i blame my DNA.