Wednesday, April 14, 2010

where do i begin? at the beginning duh.

but i'm not going to start at the beginning cause that's boring. and plus i don't know where the beginning is.

i have already listened to my new favorite glee song five times at least and i haven't even had i for 24 hours year. yippee.

everyone is getting these "formspring" things where people set up an account thing and they have their page and on their page people can post questions anonymously and then the person answers them and they are visible on their page. i like to read other people's but i don't think i will get one. it's sort of stupid. but it's intriguing at the same time. what will people ask? say? i just asked my first comment/question/whatever because they said they hadn't gotten a nice comment yet so what the heck. might as well take advantage of the internet and all its wonders.

i'm not sure what to say. i don't have anything to say. i'm tired. yippee. i survived my oral and the quiz. now i have a spanish test tomorrow so i'll study for a bit later.

i kind of want to talk about how no one knows who i am really am in school cause i never talk. i get nervous if i have to talk in front of the class for the smallest thing. but what the heck. it's just high school. eventually everyone in that school will work for me. i just have to get through a little more than two years. i don't care what they think yet why do i keep my mouth shut? cause it's easier that way.

whatever. i don't want to talk about that. i don't want to talk about anything really. so i won't. there.