Monday, April 26, 2010

boy shopping.

sounds like fun. it also sounds a bit degrading or sexist or whatnot. i don't mean it in a bad way, like guys are just objects to be bought or sold. mostly i was want to meet some new guys cause as you can see i'm going through a bit of a phase. but you know i might as well enjoy it while it lasts. so i'm going boy shopping with Dana. i started typing horse shopping instead of boy shopping there. good to know i still put horses before guys because that is the way the world works. but back to boy shopping because that is the title of this post you know. but we are going to go watch some of her school's sporting events. sounds good right? since the event at our school went so well, Dana picked up Alex well not really since he asked her to come but you know. maybe by the end of the game i'll have a guy from her school talking to me too. but i'm sort of excited. but before i go any farther let me type out all of our recent texts because then you might get where i am going from. yes. i am going to type them all because i am crazy and cannot copy and paste.

Me 2:23: Guess who i just saw driving?
Me 2:25: Yes! he had a fany black sport car with silver stripe
Dana 2:26: i knowwww i saw it onlineee! on facebook. <3
Me 2:28: Well isnt that dandy
Me 2:34: Im jealous u can drive 2 school but i don't have my permit
Dana 3:28: lol. itsnot always that great :( dudddeeee i'm gonna get him to drive me around in his cool car!
Me 4:33: Dude u should.
Dana 6:19: dudeee yeahhh! I'LL DATE HIM!!!!
Me 6:21: DO IT!
Dana 6:22: lol wouldnt that be akward if i dated him?
Me 6:23: Nah it would be cute and give me hope that i cute [supposed to be 'could'] meet a cute guy while learning to drive
Dana 6:27: lol well i met him we just aren't dating. guys r just drama! hah,but i could make more friends @ ur school <3
Me 6:30: U should make more friends @ my school and i should at yours. we need 2 have a school related gathering soon. or u should transfer 2 hrhs
Dana 6:53: haha, well that would just be wonderful. if u let me know when something is happenign at your school i will definately go, i dont go to my school functions tho
Me 6:57: I never went 2 my school functions before i went with u so maybe we should start going to some of ours 2
Dana 6:58: lol. okay, pick a sport
Me 7:00: Well what sports r going on? track? baseball?
Dana 7:11: lets see, baseball, softball, track, lacrosse, crew, ultimate frisbee,and tennis
Me 7:13: gee wiz you have a lot of sports. which team is made up of the best people?
Dana 7:16: haha yeah & those r just spring sports! um...lacrosse boys r the hottest, baseball boys r the sweetest, crew boys r mixed, track boys r cute,but the track girls r bitchy, oh & softball girls r pretty bad
Me 7:20: Haha. that just made my night. i love how u know what each team is like. but your descriptions make it hard 2 choose. hot or sweet?
Dana 7:23: & that is why i am still single. well lacrosse is more fun to watch,but the boys r Assholes! i'd say the baseball boys r best dating potential & track boys r the funniest. well i guy we will have to watch them all!
Me 7:27: We do have 2 watch all of them now. give me a date and i'll convince my mother 2 drive me
Dana 7:28: haha, no we don't have to watch any of them if you don't want. i'll try to figure out some dates :0
Me 7:31: Dana u r talking 2 a girl who has 0 experience with guys so of course i want 2. my school doesnt have many oppurtunities. but not that im really looking.
Dana 7:33: lol, well honestly i think you would have better luck at your school. haha thats where i meet my boys ;) but of course we can go boy shopping at my school too
Me 7:36: i think it is bc we pretty much already know all the boys in our school. so i agree lets go boy shopping @ your school
Dana 7:37: lol okay i'll figure out when some games r
Me 7:38: Yay! im excited now
Dana 7:40: haha, well i wouldn't be. but i'll let you see for yourself & wont crush your dreams
Me 7:42: Even [if] my dreams relating to the other gender are crushed at least i will have fun spending time with you
Dana 7:45: awww your a sweetie pie. so the next baseball game i tommorow or thursday at 4?
Me 7:48: i wouldnt be able 2 do either because i babysit until 430 unless we go late
Dana 8:11: well tomorrow is supposed to be rainy. we can go a better day
Me 8:14: Do they have any later games or not on tues.thur? well how late do they normally go anyways?
Dana 8:15: um, well i asked my friend & he thought i started at 4,but he wasn't sure, so i can check a schedule
Me 8:15: Sounds fabulous

soo that's all. i need to have a backup plan incase my lake house plan falls through. but i had fun at the track meet and that was with boys i knew so it would be better with guys i didn't know so i can just admire their good looks without any personality attached to them.

and just for the record i will always pick sweet over hot. and now it is time for some sweet ice cream.