Thursday, April 1, 2010

"let's pretend to be teenagers"

for every bad babysitting day there is a good one. tuesday was a bad one but today was a good one. we played outside the whole time. hung out in only my tank-top, rolled up jeans, and barefooted. ate popsicles which i guessed the corny jokes on correctly. sat on a towel in the sun. watched as Ryan drove by in his car and watched as he didn't look at us. got told i was pretty by Annabeth, which means a lot to me even if it was just because i was wearing purple eyeshadow. got told that my hair looked better down. helped the children play a trick on their parents. forgot to play a trick on them. got told i had a spider in my hair several times. forgot about everything.

like how i am wanted to tutor a junior in my honors algebra class. WHAT? when my guidance counselor asked if i wanted to tutor i didn't think it was for a junior in an honors class. i was thinking more seventh grader. so i'm supposed to go to the library after school everyday to help her until like three, then i would walk to the barn. i don't even really like that girl. and i don't know any more than she does. so we are supposed to work together. that's not my style. my way is to just get it down, not figure out why it works or whatever. maybe i'll back out. when i told my mom she didn't really give me any solid opinion, like i shouldn't or i should. but i might have lessons after school on wednesday. then they'll try to do it on monday. gr. maybe it wasn't that girl then i would. maybe someone at a lower math level than i.

so i got called down to the guidance office during art and when i got back i told Ally why i went down and then she wanted me to tutor her in geometry. and she sounded serious. see that i wouldn't mind because i can get along with her and she is at a lower math level than i. but whateverrrs.

let me talk some more about Ally because i was rushed before. she makes art that much better because now i have someone to talk to. otherwise i would be at a table by myself like a looooooner. and then today when I was the only one in class Alice Miller didn't know when she was taking attendance - she had to ask if i was there. not for anyone else. and then Ally said "I don't like her." which makes me feel better. and it makes me feel better just thinking that i can possibly make friends. one day during gym she seemed to ignore but then last gym class we talked which made me feel better. hopefully we can talk again next gym class. cause those are the only classes we have together. and maybe if we actually hang out it won't be awkward or anything awful. and it makes me feel better thinking that she would want to bring me out for my birthday! wooooo!

so at the class meeting they mentioned going to Look Park for a barbeque like i mentioned and Ally said she would go if i went. so we're going. so on the bus ride home i was thinking about it and letting my imagination go. and one scene we, meaning me, Ally, Abby, and anyone else who wanted to, had to go and talk to as many people in our class as we could but only people we don't normally talk to. i think that idea is good and possible. and then my imagination brought it one step further - the day before i would have gotten my hair cut after school so no one would have scene it before the barbeque and then i would ditch the glasses (either be blind or contacts?) and then i would find some confidence and walk around like i was a new girl and see how many people fell for it. that would be cool but i don't think i could pull it off.

okay so imagine prom. it's so cliqued and such. and if the theme for our prom was "A Time to Treasure" like this year's, i wouldn't go. but if it was a masquerade on the other hand. like a REAL masquerade. everyone has to have masks and such to keep the identity a secret then i would go. i would sooooo go. maybe even enough to join the prom committee to make sure we got the masquerade theme. but only if someone...cough Abby...joined as well. but i think a masquerade would be awesome. in that sense that no one would know who everyone was so maybe guys would get up the guts to ask girls to dance. well maybe not exaclty like that because i'm sure they could probably figure out who most people are. but maybe the mask thing would make it better than your typical dance.

or maybe i'll hold an anti-prom at the Westhampton Town Hall. it won't cost $50 to get it and you can dress up only if you want to. it would be wonderful. you could wear a mask if you wanted. there would be some food. some music. you could bring your own music and give it to the DJ and he or she would play it. and you could just hang out with your friends, dance, or whatever.

masquerade or anti-prom? maybe i'll wait until it is actually junior prom. even though third quarter is almost over! woohooo! one stinkin quarter left.

i think that was all i wanted to talk about right now. well i can't think of anything else. i finished all my homework! yay! and it's almost time for dinner i believe. but my mother just sat down...where's mine? okay i'm boring you. oh. i know what to tell you about. so apparently two people reviewed our novel in the amazon contest. one person gave me constructive criticism the other one just said it was really boring and i need to learn how to tell a good story. it gets to me a little bit but not that badly. i didn't cry and i'm not really upset about it. whattteevverrrr it's my first novel and i can only get better. (:

since the musical just ended everyone is talking about next year's musical. or at least the people who were in this musical. and the musical that is going around is Grease. i love Grease. i haven't watched it in a long time so maybe my memory deceives me but i think i like it a lot. and Abby and Jayna want me to join. do i want to give up all that time for rehearsal? go through show weekend? i've seen the good and the bad. i'm not really sure if i'm up for it. or if i'm actress material. i did some little plays in elementary school, i was part of drama. i was Sebastian in the Little Mermaid during camp where i sang and danced and acted and memorized all my lines and performed in front of all the parents and other campers. so i'm capable. but do i wanna? and would there even be enough parts for everyone in Grease? there aren't a bunch of munchians or kids like in the Music Man. but i'm sure they will figure it out. or maybe not because their director isn't coming back. grand. but hey i have a year.

now i'm going to go look for a picture of Taylor Swift on Mix 93.1 to win tickets to her sold out show.