Saturday, April 17, 2010

i just happened to check my blog and Abby had just posted! she was running for class president! yayyyy! and then i read her opening part and everything she said and it put me in a good mood. i'm also listening to the lyrics "I got soul but I'm not a solider" so that helps. the time is 1:23. so cool. soon my mother will be driving to abby house and then we will be going to the movies. i'm excited. i should clean up my room now but i really don't want to. i just spent forever doing my makeup because i was in that sort of mood. i think i am going to go blow dry my hair...oooo. but i just wanted to mention that blog made me happy. i'm gonna read it again. maybe do some copy and pasting onto here so i don't forget about it.

"here we go. i am trying something new.sorta'.

i am going for-drum roll- class president!

i am exctied and i have the best opening too. and because well i doubt anyone would take it goes,

" good morning, many of you probably know me for my name, and that i am in your class, a smaller group of people know that i am in drama, and that i am part of improvers anonomus, and now it is obious too you all that i am running for class president, and my name is Abby Torrey"

well i think that is what i am going to do. and i guess my main points are really keeping us altogether as a all friends, meaning that we keep our chemistry with each other, we really are a wonderful group of young adults, and i don't want anything to change us, i really do want to look at being better at fundraising too, and get rid of thoes boxers....i would think that i would like to get that blog up and running again too. it really did help, or maybe get a facebook page going for our class where we can get info. i have some great ideas. i just hope the class will give me a chance. hmm

yes molly, the opening is based off of a blog you wrote, just in case you were wondering. : ) it was the one about how you never really know anyones stories, you will see them in the school, and you might know their name, but nothing else. what might their history be, and i feel that way in our class, a lot of people feel that way...well i am going to go now. Molly and i are going out."

now i must finish getting ready. my room can wait to be cleaned. maybe i'll just shove everything in the closet for a later date.