Tuesday, April 6, 2010

subject of conversation.

apparently i was during someone's lunch table today. during gym Katelyn told me that during lunch her table was discussing me. she didn't tell me in those words but you know. she said that Ally just announced out of nowhere that i was going to movies with her on Friday. hmmm. katelyn sounded sort of shocked, like she thought that Ally was lying. but she is correct! then they had a 2 minute conversation about me. and my evil side. that would be Katelyn complaining about me. and they were probably also talking about how i told Shelbie off during lunch last year - what they don't know is that i now sit with Shelbie at lunch on B days. their conversation probably consisted of Katelyn complaining about me. but hey they can talk all they want. doesn't change me at all. anyways just thought i would mention that to you all.

and on the subject of Ally because now that she knows i talk about her in my lovely blog. she told me in art that Abby told her i have a blog and i write about her. it sounded like i was a creeper when she said it. i probably am. but Ally is wonderful. even though she ignores me in gym and such. i can get at least a smile out of her normally. so we'll see what friday is like. hopefully it goes well.

do i have anything else to talk about? not yet. i'm waiting for Abby to get back online so she can discuss something with me. right now her mother is online. i'm excited. i always enjoy talking to Abby. and we haven't talk too much lately. so i'm all anxious about it. it's like when someone says "i need to talk to you", until you talk to them all you are thinking about is what they need to talk to you about. is it good? bad? relates to me? to them? what? so that is sort of what i am experiencing now. maybe some algebra would take my mind off of it but nahhh. i got out of babysitting kind of early today so i deserve a little break. plus Abby was also going to make a comment after i said "i will have to walk to babysitting in the rain today" during lunch and i am wondering what it was she was going to say but instead did not say and told me she would tell me later. goodness.

today during gym Ben also knocked me over but i caught myself. it's not my fault that i enjoy playing soccer but am no good at it. so i try-ish. but everyone is so competitive and so good and so aggressive so they don't care if they run over a poor little girl or not. thankfully i am almost done with gym. i have about 24 more gym classes left. ever. woohoo! i can not wait until i am done with stupid gym.

i'm a tiny bit worried about my art grade. because on the last bunch of assignments i have gotten Bs and B+s. if i end up with a B average in that class i will be very upset. especially since i have a good chance of getting all As. that is my goal. my big fat goal and it all depends on how i did on that history test today (not so good i think), on how am going to do on the algebra test on thursday, how i did on that spanish quiz last week, how i will do on the spanish quiz on thursday, and how i did on my english essay. darn it all. i better do fabulous on all of those. i never got all As last year or so far this year so that is my goal.

i could keep rambling but then i would appear creeper than i already do. and hey if you want me to write about you in my blog - let me know and i shall.