Monday, April 5, 2010

shirts and ties.

i enjoy the days the boys have a game or track meet or whatever sport season it happens to be because they "dress up" meaning they wear their button up non-plaid shirt with a nice tie and dress pants. i don't know why boys don't dress up nicely everyday. they look very attractive when they do. maybe it would be different if everyone had to wear them for uniforms but i could get use to that. i actually wouldn't mind wearing uniforms, make morning easier, and i would be able to see guys all dressed up. maybe you don't see what i do when i see a guy all dressed up. but yeah. Ian looked adorable today, especially when he was falling asleep in algebra class. and for the two seconds i saw Ryan were pretty fabulous two seconds.

but that is all light convo. in more dark or deep or sad conversation - in the last three days two people i've known have died. i didn't know them personally but still. my gramma's mother died. and just the other day i found a necklace she had given me and i made sure i kept it even though it was broken because i knew it would be more valuable once she passed away. and then she did. and then do you know Grady and Max Childs? Grady is in Maeve's class and he has a disability, i'm not sure what. he has been in Maeve's class since Preschool. she told me that everyone was talking about it and she felt bad for Grady - he was in school. she felt so bad that she felt like crying. death is awful. and i don't want to talk more about it. but just shoving it aside doesn't mean it doesn't exist. it's still there whether i talk about it or not.

i'm nervous about friday and saturday. why you ask? right now it seems like i am going to be going to a movie with Ally and her mother and then sleeping over her house. let me try to paint of picture of Ally in your head. today she wore bright purple eyeshadow, she dropped out of French because she was failing, and at her family Easter party she got drunk because her family provided her with beer, wine, and other alcoholic beverages. not exactly the story you want to hear before you go sleep over her house. but of course that's not going to stop me. it's not like i'm going to become her just by hanging out with her. well i know that happens to some people but i'm not going to be with her for that long. just two days, not even two full days. and part of it will be spent watching a movie. and sleeping. it is all the other time that worries me because that will have to be filled with conversation. one period is one thing but a whole night is another. but at least it was her who brought up hanging out and it was her idea for this friday. sooooo chyeah.

i think that is all i have to say. oh no it's not. i have to give you a makeup update. hahaha. maybe this will become a makeup blog. but today i used a bronze eyeshadow and i'm not sure how much i liked it. i have lovely dark circles that are normally not covered up completely and my glasses create a shadow right there so it makes my eyes look darker and makes me look more tired. woohoo. but i have to keep trying different things. more one day, less another day. i have to try to find my style. it will take a while but i'll keep trying. one bad makeup day isn't the end of the world. and one good makeup day isn't going to change my life. makeup in general isn't going to change my life. yep.

OH. Ms. Lech made my day when she said she hates the Beatles right in front of Devin and Katelyn who did their history day documentary on the Beatles. especially Devin who is pretty much obsessed with the Beatles. and then today when i come home my lovely to-be-wonderful-friend Dakota posted her status update of: "I hate the Beatles. [:" it was fabulous. i don't have anything really against the Beatles but i'm not crazy about them and i don't know what the big deal is except for the fact that they spurred a revolution. i appreciate that. but you know. it was pretty fab.

now i think that is all. i better press post before i think of something else.