Saturday, April 10, 2010

i'm insane.

cause i do the same thing over and over while expecting different results. oh well.

right now i wish i was at the battle of the bands. but i'm not. why not? because i just found out about it about an hour ago and i wouldn't have been able to pull off in that short of time without a car. i wouldn't have wanted to go by myself. abby is babysitting and i wouldn't feel comfortable calling anyone else up that last minute. plus i wouldn't have a ride. my parents might have drove me there. but i'm not sure. see if i had my own car and my license i would have just driven up there by myself. but it would be different if my parents drove me up and dropped me off. then i wouldn't be able to leave whenever i wanted. and they would probably stay. or they might have not let me stay there by myself. anyways i'm not there. Ryan's there playing with his band. oh well. there will be more opportunities like this one when i'm older than sixteen and a half. i'm only fifteen and nine months and thirteen days.

now i'm at home in my sweats (pants and shirt) helping my little sister and her friend with their project. they didn't do a new moon parody. i'm upset. they should have done new moon on the moon. oh well. this will probably be good too. i just helped them. all i did was move this blue light up and down and all around while they were in a teleport.

if my calculations are correct then Ryan will be performing in 10 to 25 minutes. i will be eating pizza if it ever gets here. my dad went to get it but he got a flat tire. so then my mom went to get it while he was changing his tire. neither has come back yet. so i'm eating Lay's classic potato chips. i better stop now.

i got a letter saying i was invited to a People to People Leadership thingy. it says that my spanish teacher nominated me but i don't know if she really did or whatever. and they just said that i am going to get an official invitation soon. that is pretty much all it said. ohh welll.

i don't have much else to say. i'm still waiting for the pizza. i'm hungry. and sort of tired. glee comes back not tomorrow, not the next day, but the day after. oh em gee.