Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Dana didn't bail on me after all. she texted me, called me, and left me a message on facebook at about 5 o'clock. of course i had left my phone at home so i didn't get it until 6:40ish. the movie started at 7:40. so at first i didn't really want to go. but then she texted me saying we could make if i wanted to go. so i went for it. i took a five minute shower. got dressed and did my makeup in under ten minutes. and in less than 20 minutes i was out the door. we made it to the movie a little late but i had a fun time. the mall was really creepy with no one in it. most people don't go to the movies on a Wednesday night or hang around the mall after all the stores are closed. except for some creepers we stayed away from. so overall it was a good night. not fabulous but a step in the right direction for molly's social life.

this is sort of how my day went. have the dog wake me up. come downstairs watch tv while eating yogurt. burn a grilled cheese. do pointless things like facebook and Scribblenauts. attempt to edit my novel and fail. decide to get dressed around three in the afternoon which includes changing from my pjs into a t-shirt and sweatpants. play around with stilts. eat leftovers for lunch. do more pointless things. go to the barn and play with my horse. come back home, shower, actually get dressed into jeans and a nice shirt, and put my face on. eat dinner in the car, watch a movie, come back home, and write about it in my blog. fabulous.

tomorrow is another day. we will see what happens. hopefully by the end of the day I will be in Winthrop by the sea.