Friday, April 30, 2010

by the way...

...I GOT ALL As ON MY REPORT CARD! woooohooooo! i was very happy. my dad wasn't as happy. he looked it over and asked me a question about the comment and that was it. he only said good job or something like that when my mother mentioned it. maeve nearly attacked me when she heard. but i was very happy with that. anyways that is just a sidenote.

...mental health days for everyone! i didn't go to school today hahahahaha. i woke up because maura was singing in the bathroom. then finn scratched on my door so i let her in, then she jumped on my bed and we both feel asleep for another hour. then i got up, ate some chinese food for breakfast. watched tv until pass 11 when i would have gotten out of school. then i didn't really do anything else. spent some time on the computer. read my book. did my nails. ate some lunch. it was very nice. then i rode my horse all wonderful.

...tonight is prom for those in the grades of 11 and 12 of hampshire regional high school or if you happen to be an underclassman invited by an upperclassman or invited from another school. we were driving by Mr. Lapan, like Japan with an L,'s house and there were a bunch of people out in their dresses and tuxes, so we pulled over and looked at them all. Then Monica ran over to us because she was there and talked with us for a bit. and while we were pulled over Ryan drove by, I was the only one who noticed. he was wearing an off-white colored tux. i hope he enjoys prom enough to go next year. and i can't wait to see all the pictures on facebook.

...i decided on my speech topic. itunes and ipods. i'm not too enthusiastic about it but it's a topic and i'm speaking in three weeks so i sort of have to know. so i only have three weekends, including this one, to work on it. woohoo. and i have an essay due with only two weekends that i have barely started. woohoo.

...i guess i really didn't have a lot to say. other than it's hard work being a drummer. i played on Band Hero yesterday then i bit today. i'm hungry. we are going to have pizza tonight, Rosemarie is coming over. so there you go. i don't think i have anything else to say.