Saturday, April 10, 2010


i didn't really want to make a post. but i don't have anything else to do. i'm bored. it's 11:11 make a wish. and i already had breakfast. my riding lesson isn't until later even though I told Ally it was earlier as an excuse to not sleep over. i just don't like sleeping over the first time i go over. next time i will though. she's already planning for me, Abby, and her to take the school bus to her house then take the bus bus to Northampton and spend the day down there. and maybe this time bring some money to spend.

i have a total of 51 glee songs. and i have watched the sneak preview of Gives You Hell a BUNCH of times. i should have counted. but this morning alone i've probably watched it three times. it helps that i love that song anyways. but that is what is going to get me until tuesday. then i'll probably watch that episode over and over until the next week. when i will be watching it with Abby. maybe i'll invite Ally over that Tuesday and we can go see The Last Song or something in the movie theatre. or maybe not.

i don't have a plan of what to write about so i'm going to write about random things.

like how most high schoolers have never had a boy/girlfriend and have never been in love. the majority of them at least. interruption. i am listening to the gleers since Last Christmas. i just bought it. because i didn't realize it came out during the Christmas season. anyways. i just thought i would let you know that. even though it may seem like everyone has someone.

and i would like to point out my concern with guys has subsided. mostly because i don't really care. i guess. but friday there was a track meet. um. that's really all. i told you i didn't have anything to say. i could tell you about Ally and my's (what? my's?) adventure to Cumbies (that's Cumberland Farm. and Burgie is Williamsburg. according to Ally) and Subway and then A2Z and trying on dresses in Faces that we didn't have enough money for.

i'm trying to think of something else to say. i have a riding lesson later. maeve and rosemarie are going to make a new moon parody for their moon project. much more creative than ours. but i'm excited. i would like to help out but who knows if they will let me or if i really do want to.

right now i'm listening to a bunch of glee songs. i have all 51 of them on shuffle. this weekend is going to be kind of boring now that friday is done.