Saturday, April 24, 2010

you are most likely wondering why i called myself strange last night. i don't have a direct answer for that really. so i'm just going to ignore you and talk about my day yesterday.

i got my haircut. it is like a haircut i have had before so yeah. i haven't seen it yet non-blowdryed. i was about to get in the shower but my aunt beat me to it. anyways. so the little step-second-cousins came over for an hour and they are adorable. but after all that we went into the city via T. once i got past the partial motion sickness i liked it. seeing as those people. the intricate system all underground. but we went to the Boston Public Library, the first public library ever. it was huge and so beautiful. i wouldn't mind living near Boston just so I could go to that library and study. they had a lot of rooms with tables for people to just come and work on. they had a lot of computers. and it was just realllly cool. but it was one of those libraries where you felt like you had to be quiet. unlike our little Westhampton library but I wouldn't trade our library for that one.

then we walked over to the Prudential building which was also really cool. that was the first time i had been up it and you can see all of the city. we just hung out up there for a little while which was awesome. but right as we were leaving a cute guy was coming up with his family. of course. i had just spent an hour up there with no cute guys and when i leave that's when he comes up. but that's what you get when you go looking for love i guess.

then we went back on the T, switched from the green line, to the red line, then to the orange line. no lie there. and we were in China Town! wooo! it was very cool. it was mostly just a bunch of Chinese restaurants and a bunch of Chinese people walking around. we went to this little garden that was part of the big dig and it was very cool. there were a bunch of flowers and bamboo and was just awesome. then we ate in a chinese restaurant with chopsticks. i didn't use my fork once thank you very much.

now i have to backtrack because i forgot some stuff. on the bottom of the Prudential building is a big shopping mall. and guess who we saw when Maura was buying a hat? Scott Brown, our senator. it was so cool. we saw some women taking pictures with a guy and we were like who is that? so we went over there and saw who it was and got our picture taken! the Senator was standing right next to me and had his arm around me. awesomeeeee.

then we were in the Dunkin Donuts in the Prudential building and a gaggle of cute boys were there. one of them met my eyes for a second but then instantly looked away. isn't that weird how we train ourselves to do that? if you meet eyes with someone - look away because their a stranger or whatever the reason. i'm trying to untrain myself of that. we'll see how well it works. it's 12:23. and there was another cute boy spotting with his family but he didn't even look at me either. so oh well.

i bought a t-shirt that said Harvard on it because it was cute and my dad always brings up Harvard School of Business. wouldn't it be weird if i went to Harvard? that would be kind of awesome though. when people ask where I'm going to school instead of saying some school that no one has heard of before I would just simply reply "Harvard". ahh. that is awesome. but the odds of me getting in are very slim but if i end up Valedictorian who knows.

now i am going to see if i can get in the shower before we start our day. only two days left until we're back to school and i still don't have a speech topic.