actually probably not cause i'm too tired. but i have the right feelings now. they just came rushing back when i opened up this page.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
this should be a good one.
Posted by molly. at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
class rings anyone?
i am sort of in a good mood right now but i'm also tired so i should go to sleep now and i don't have much to write about but throughout the day i have acquired a bunch of stuff throughout the day that i could talk about. i should try to limit myself to less than ten minutes. it's 8:04 now. GO.
Posted by molly. at 8:02 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 28, 2009
fail. times whatever.
so today was a bit of fail as well. but what day isn't? no day is going to go perfectly how i want it to. it would be nice to have a surprise and have a wonderful day for once.
Posted by molly. at 6:45 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 27, 2009
my day was just ruined by my parents. they don't listen to each other. so instead they butt heads. the way they talk to each other. they are snappy and rude. they don't know how to mask what they are thinking in their voices to give the other person a chance to explain where they are coming from without that tone of voice. tone of voice just a big one. it's frustrating. and because i'm just their daughter i can't tell them what i see in their communication with each other. and i don't know if they realize that their mood effects the other three people in the house. they have so much influence over as. we are scared of them pretty much. if they are in a mad mood you stay away at all costs. you don't talk back. you want to say what you are thinking but you know to bite your tongue because you could make it worse. so thanks you guys you just ruined my first blue ribbon in an IEA show because of this dinner. i don't even care if we go on a vacation as all as you guys can get along. please.
Posted by molly. at 5:41 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 25, 2009
i ate more three hundred goldfish today.
so i'm not sure what i really want to write now. i don't have something that i am burning about writing about. i sort of have moved on from last night, we will see if things change after our sister talk. i am tempted to shot her an e-mail telling her how i got a 58 on a quiz today and a 75 on an essay in the same class. whatever.
Posted by molly. at 6:14 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 24, 2009
i just broke down.
i just completely broke down. i want to talk to Abby. she isn't online and i'm not comfortable calling her and plus i think she had plans to go out and do stuff tonight.
Posted by molly. at 6:45 PM 0 comments
we are bigger. we are better. this generation of kids isn't ruined thanks to technology which people like to believe. we are bigger. we are stronger. we have the tools we need to succeed. we know all about drugs, sex, alcohol, and life. the only thing we are missing is the experience. we know not to give into the peer pressure. we know that it is going to come up. that is the defining line there. the people who rise above it are the people who will succeed. the people who give in and the people who will fail. in this time and day there is more a chance that we will rise above it. sure there are a ton more temptations now than before but there is also a ton more knowledge. it's the people who take and use that knowledge who you will hear about again.
Posted by molly. at 1:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
this one's for you.
dear future readers,
Posted by molly. at 7:54 PM 0 comments
flustered. annoyed. and frustrated.
today we will talk about friends. and instead of being general about talking to friends i will tell you how annoyed i am with almost all of my friends. 2/3 of them. and i only have three.
Posted by molly. at 3:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 21, 2009
into the flow. into the schedule. into the life.
so my life has become victim to schedules, routines, and such. but hey, i sort of like that cause i'm not too good with change. i like things to be constant and such. so that is good. but even i get bore of it. but seeing as it is only september i shouldn't be but i'm starting to get there.
Posted by molly. at 7:01 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 19, 2009
what do they think.
i just finished reading a book. the main character's mother died. the author of the book, her mother died and her father died afterwards.
Posted by molly. at 6:37 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 18, 2009
what if the world ended in 2012. what if everything that we have been building up, been working for was no more. what if nothing was anything or everything was nothing. what if nothing existed. what if this thing we called life was no more. what if years of advancement and development disappeared. what if.
Posted by molly. at 9:16 PM 0 comments
i'm getting my keyboard all cheesy
so i'm not really in a bad mood so i'm not sure what i am going to write about. right now my head is trying to think of a topic. there are a bunch but i don't really feel like settling on one. but i feel like writing. but i don't feel like writing a story either because the girl always ends up being too much like me and then i get frustrated at it or i never know where to go with a story. so then why i am writing this? i already told you, i feel like writing. maybe i'll looking up some creative writing exercise or prompt or something and do it. be right back.
Posted by molly. at 5:37 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 17, 2009
horoscope stuff like stuff
sounds true to me. except i'm not going to be a teacher.
Posted by molly. at 7:13 PM 0 comments
which means thank go tomorrow is friday.
Posted by molly. at 7:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
bullet it.
- the word of the day is logorrhea. i find that out near the end of the day. i'm going to use it all the day tomorrow instead.
Posted by molly. at 7:28 PM 0 comments
hi. today i am going to talk to you about friends. wait, you wanted a new topic? sorry but you ain't getting one. well you are getting a slight difference because i'm branching off from The Friend. i could talk about him more but today was no different from yesterday, or the day before that. so The Friend isn't much of a friend.
Posted by molly. at 6:58 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
hey. hey.
tomorrow is going to be my positive day. i'm saying that now. and when i write something down it has to happen. that is sort of my way of making something happen. writing it down. that is why i have written down all of my goals.
Posted by molly. at 6:19 PM 0 comments
wait. it's only tuesday?
hi. i want to let everyone know that this is my complaining/venting/ranting outlet. it does not mean i'm a spoiled brat who doesn't appreciate what i have and all i do is complain. out of this i almost never complain which is probably why i have this blog and i have kept it going. this is where i say everything that society doesn't want me to say.
this morning started off with my sister scaring me, on accident of course but it still scared me. then before homeroom was kind of awkward i guess you could say? but you were there. then spanish was fine. office aide was fine. biology wasn't good because i got stuck working in a group with Codie and Oliver - who should have graduated last year. and in biology Gina sits in front of me and Codie behind me and they are SOOOOOO annoying. all i hear all class "Gina, Gina, Gina" or "Codie, Codie, Codie" it is pretty awful. lunch was fine, you were there. then gym was awful as well because we were playing soccer and i got the ball once but then i like passed it into no where because no one was open and i didn't touch it again even though i was open throughout the whole game but that is pretty much the definition of gym class. and by this time i was pretty upset at Katelyn for just walking away without leaving me to walk by myself. so i am getting more and more upset at her by the day. then algebra, Sawyer wasn't there cause he dropped out. English was kind of annoying. we didn't have a sub when we got there so Devin got up in the front of the room was like all like "Miss McNulty" and Sawyer got up and went to the front with her at one point, and Casey and Heather. and Heather's laugh is so annoying. so so so so so so annoying. and Devin's hat was giving me a headache. anyways i pretty much ignored Katelyn and read my book while we waited for the sub, then we took the quiz and after the quiz i did my vocab then read so i would not have to converse with Katelyn. then we walked to history and Katelyn pretty much walked without me again which just put me in a bad mood for history. but when i got into history only Steph and Sawyer were in there so I asked Sawyer about dropping out of Algebra and we talked about our dislike for Ms. Schott and then Katelyn popped up and out of nowhere and just stood there as we talked which annoyed me as well. and then we moved onto science and then the bell ring. that whole conversation was extremely awkward because i was still radiating "i do not like Katelyn today" rays throughout the whole thing and i was exhausted because my lack of sleep just caught up to me at the end of the period before. and then Sawyer left to carry Heather's stuff for her at the end of the period because Devin didn't want to. and that was my day. how was yours?
Posted by molly. at 3:01 PM 0 comments
definition of my life. thank you facebook horoscope for being so correct. especially the first one.
A thrilling time is in your immediate future.
Posted by molly. at 7:13 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 14, 2009
hola people of the world.
so it's 7:20. a song i really like just came on shuffle. it's called Contagious by Boys Like Girls. i also enjoy the song Go by them which has become sort of the definition of my life. go listen to it. it's on their album Love Drunk which is another wonderful song. go listen to Go by Boys Like Girls.
so today homeroom i walk in and i was going to talk to the Friend because he was sitting there like he always is then Heather came in so I was like....okay not going to go deal with Heather. so instead I talked to Mollie, then Katelyn then that was it and we left. Spanish fine. Study Hall fine. Biology fine. Lunch was pretty not-good. i sat with Steph/Shelbie/Heather/Lisa and Becca joined us. which was fine. so after i finished eating i went over to Katelyn and asked her if she wanted to go to the bathroom with me and she made a big deal out of it like, i don't wanna go anywhere with you. it annoyed me extremely much so. so when i came back i wasn't going to go over to that table which now has Kayla Peters there sitting next to Sawyer which annoys me as well since she isn't friends with anyone at that table that i know of. but Katelyn called me over and i don't even know what she said so i went back to the other table. but then Shelbie and Steph and Heather were throwing things which i didn't want to be apart of so i went back to the other table where Katelyn pretty much ignored me which made me even more upset at her. then algebra i didn't talk to the Friend at all. but i think he is dropping out of that class because he asked Ms. Snot to sign something. then English no convo again and Katelyn annoyed me once again. History we were in the lab and he and Heather sat opposite of us in the middle thing. Katelyn and Steph were really annoying, not doing any work or anything. and this was the only time he said something when i said "none of you have read Misty of Chincoteague?" and he said that he had but then he went back to his work before i could talk more about it and that was it. then he and Heather left early, him carrying her stuff since Devin wasn't there. and that was my fail of a day. so this whole quest for new friend thing isn't working. it's been two days in a row.
Posted by molly. at 7:19 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 12, 2009
so my problems seem tiny compared to everything else in this world. compared to what my friend i going through now with her best friend who is in the hospital. compared to what everyone else is going through. compared to what i could be going through.
Posted by molly. at 10:29 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 11, 2009
dig deeper. where all the dirt and cobwebs are.
set the scene. it's 8:40pm. i'm exhausted. i should be asleep right now. i just made it through my second week of school. my mother is about to pick up my sister from the first middle school dance of the year. the first one she went to. i'm not sure how i feel about that but my feelings aren't part of setting the scene. my father is home and is sitting on the couch. maura just went into the computer room.
Posted by molly. at 8:38 PM 0 comments
two weeks done. i'm exhausted. neither of them have been a full week.
so today wasn't a good day. why? did something happen? nope. it just wasn't a good day. i'll run through it because this blog is becoming a way for me to get everything down on paper and just run through my day again so then i can put it aside but it will never be gone. i went back and read one of my blogs from six months ago. i felt the exact same i did then. i couldn't read the whole blog. i made myself do something else to get it off my mind. you might not be able to feel it like i do when you read this but when i reread something i wrote i know exactly what i was thinking and feeling. my goal as a writer in general is to get who is reading my work to feel that too. but that's not my goal for this blog.
Hiii I'm Kayla lol I think I met you today in the auditorium durrig pictures... Lol and you were blinding everyone with the mirror... Lol" Katelyn said that Kayla had posted on her myspace "I love Sawyer" if he doesn't know you exist then how the heck do you know you love him? anyways back to the question. that's five. there is probably more than that. how many of these five talk to him? three. do i like him like that? right now, no. right now i just want to be his friend so i can warn of him of all these stalkers. and hopefully i am not one of those stalkers especially since the only thing i have done since i have gotten home from the barn is write this blog and eat dinner and check facebook. wooo! obsession? i'm not sure. i really hope not because i don't want to be that girl who obsesses over a guy and stalks him, like Devin does and probably most every girl who is friends with him on facebook. i really don't want to be that girl. so Abby if you think i am please tell me to knock it off.
becoming friends with someone is so much harder than i thought. scratch that. it is just as hard as i thought it would be maybe harder but you know it's sort of different thinking about becoming friends with someone and actually trying to be.
now i could talk about the other part of my life. horses. but i won't because i'm on the subject of school now and i don't feel like changing it. i could talk about how Maeve is going to the middle school dance tonight but i won't. i will talk about how i wish i had talked to Sawyer long enough to tell him that i had played that game he posted on facebook and stumped the genius twice but i didn't. but i might be able to twist it so i could say i played it all weekend cause it was addicting. i'm always thinking and planning. i have more conversations with people in my head then in real life. ha. ha. ha. yeah not funny, more like wow you are a social failure. but hey, i can diagram sentences!
EDIT: it is 6:36. look below to see what it was when i started this. i just finished this a second ago.
Posted by molly. at 5:11 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 10, 2009
day six times two
so just to end it this off i am going to copy and paste what i just told Abby what happened during seventh period
so we had about 10 minutes of class left over when Ms. C was done talking so we could move our seats. Sawyer sat in front of me to talk to Devin who is diagonal from me now and Steph sat on the chairs near the computer. so i was talking to Steph while Sawyer and Devin were talking then Katelyn came over and sat at the other chair then Steph wrote on her notebook "devin likes sawyer" which i said outloud "duh" then i wrote on it "stalker" then Katelyn added on the paper "and Becca and Kayla Peters who said she LOVES him" then i think they wrote more and before they were talking about if he was gay or not cause some people thought so and i was sort of getting upset at them gossiping about him when he was sitting right there. then Devin had to leave with Heather and Sawyer had gotten up to ask Mrs. C something and i had taken off my glasses to get off some paint and he came back and said "you should just get contacts" and i said "i would but my eyes are too sensitive they say" and he said "yeah that is what my eye doctor said then i changed and they work fine now" and then i explained now i had surgery when i was 2 for my lazy eye and i had eye drops every day then Sawyer told us about when he got hit in the eye with a snowball and his iris turned red and he was so close to become blind which grossed the three of us out and how he was out of school for 5 days which most were snow days and how he couldn't go on the computer just watch movies and then i said something about my parents have lasic surgery then my dad having surgery on his knees and all he did was play video games, Katelyn or Steph said "wii?" and i said "no xbox, how could he play wii when he had surgery on his knee?" and then Steph and Sawyer said that you could play wii from sitting down and then the bell rang and we all went our separate ways. and during all of this Katelyn, the one who has a crush on Sawyer, didn't say anything. which i understand but i also know it doesn't work. and that's my day. XD
and now let me show you my facebook horoscope for today which i think could be pretty accurate:
Today is a day on which you can trust rumors and hearsay, but only if these whispers are about something good, Cancer. It seems odd that good news tends to be kept quiet these days. And it seems that you are somehow involved in one of these efforts to suppress some information. What started as an honest and open statement is being suppressed or distorted by other people. It may be that co-workers or neighbors are having a fit of jealousy about something that is a good and solid reason for the subject of the rumors to be happy, and are trying to produce a negative overlay or spiteful put-downs to keep from sharing in the happiness. But this kind of pettiness and jealousy doesn't really matter now, does it-
This is a time for you, Cancer, where you will see some changes in your overall approach to romantic affairs. You have been spending some much needed time in introspection and reflection, and this will pay off for you in this period. You are becoming much more in tune with your specific needs and how they related to your love affairs. This is setting you up well for progress in love, and the changes that arise as a result are going to be favorable for you. Whether you are single or attached, you are going to find yourself instinctively attracted to exactly what you need to be attracted to today. This is one of those periods where if it feels good, go for it, and you will certainly reap the rewards.
There is no limit to love's forbearance, to its trust, its hope, its power to endure.
Posted by molly. at 5:37 PM 0 comments
i have survived six days of school i believe. wed. thur. fri. tues. wed. thur. yeppers. i was planning on doing homework during this short time i have before i have to go babysitting but as you can see, that's not happening. this is the place where i can just write without worrying what i'm saying. this is my "you are not suppose to keep all your emotions bottled up inside, don't be afraid to cry" place because in all reality you can't show your emotions in real life because then a bunch of other crap will happen. but if everyone showed their real emotions, like it wasn't possible not to, then we would live in a completely different world.
Posted by molly. at 2:58 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
so tired. and i have another day tomorrow.
it's 8:15. i finished my homework 5 minutes ago. i'm exhausted. i won't fall asleep until close to 9:30 even though i want to now. and i probably won't make this too long because my eyes are starting to close on me and putting sentences together is on auto pilot now.
kk. i just wanted to say what Jon gave me a compliment indirectly. he talked to Maeve on the bus when i went to the barn and he said "so are you as smart as your sister?" and when maeve replied "i don't know" he said "oh well she is in the top of our class". i feel like that was the most important pice of information i had to tell you which i just found out about two seconds ago.
i don't know if you know Jon or not but a compliment coming from him is pretty good seeing as he could easily be labeled the smartest person in the class. now time for bed. love you. and happy 09.09.09
Posted by molly. at 8:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Love Horoscope for 9/8/09
Love is the focus of today, Cancer, and you are feeling it coming at you from all directions. Whether you are single or attached, you are simply wanting to express exactly what it is you are feeling today, and exactly who it is you are feeling it for. This may involve a long overdue phone call or an email to someone that you care about. If you sense that someone is down today, you will be able to reach out and offer them communication of some sort that will cheer them up in a way that only you can. This may also be a good time for you to begin a new romance, so if someone is extending communication to you, you most certainly want to receive it well today. Your Love Horoscope
Posted by molly. at 7:08 AM 0 comments