Saturday, January 1, 2011

My first blog post of 2011!

Yippppeeeee! So what do you want to know? Do you want to hear about the New Years Party i went to? Do you want to hear about Josh? Do you want to hear about my horse? Do you want to know how much sleep i got last night? I wish I knew and then i would tell you what you wanted to hear. but i can't. well Abby could tell me but i'm not going to ask her.

so here we go.

the new years party was okay. i was sort of the odd one out. but it wasn't bad. it wasn't spectacular either. it was better than going to the brogle's house. it was better than staying home alone. so yeah it wasn't bad at all. but i didn't get to sleep until like 4 and then i woke up again because katelyn and haley were talking and i heard their conversation for forever and didn't get to sleep until 5:30ish. and then i

HOLD IT IT'S 11:11 ON 1-1-11!

okay wish made. let's continue.

and then i was woken up around nine because her family was making all sort of noise in the kitchen. so i got fourish hours of sleep. yipppeee. when i told my mother that i was up until 4 she said "FOURR?" and i was like yeah...i didn't mention the fact that i woke up again after that and didn't really fall asleep until after 5. but yeah.

part of the reason why i didn't mind the party was because i wasn't completely there the whole time. i was the rude person on their cell phone. i really don't care what they thought of me and my cellphone. cause i had a nice conversation with josh thank you very much. i started texting him around 4 something for a little bit then he had to go eat. and then he came back and said he was working on his project and that his phone might die but he thought he had an hour. and then i didn't hear back from him for a long while. he said his phone died sooner than he thought but he recharged it some. fabulous. and then we texted back and forth until almost 2 in the morning when he went to sleep. but i was stuck awake for another two hours! yipppeee!

but i think he actually does want to text me. because when he started watching Despicable Me i told him to feel free to stop texting me to watch the movie but he said he could watch the movie and talk to me at the same time. and then i was saying how i needed to find an outlet because my phone was dying. and he said yeah, definitely don't want it to die. and then i said (i don't know what i was thinking, it was 1 in the morning) "you would miss me texting you too much if my phone died. but now i'm plugged in." and he said "True, I would miss texting you too much" ahhhhhhh. (: then i said that i would miss texting him too. and he called me super duper. ha. well that was also partially my doing. i might as well tell that story too. new paragraph.

So we were talking about how i wanted to learn and instrument and different languages, and scheduling and classes in highschool, and traveling the world. Yeah we can manage to talk about a lot at once. but i said "well yeah you're a super duper musician in jazz band (:" and then he said "Well i wouldn't say i'm super duper haha, but i am in jazz band =)" and then i said "Pshhh of course you are super duper" and then he said "If im super duper, then you're super duper too =)" and then i said "Aww thanks. (: but I can't play an instrument super duperly like you." and then he said "Your welcome =), and there are plenty of other things you can be super duper for" and i said "I'm super duper at...being super duper? Haha XD" and then he said "Thats right, which means youre super duper all around XD," and then we got onto the topic of snow because i said "I don't snow" instead of "I don't like snow" but yeah that made me happy.

And other noteworthy texts. We had a countdown going down to midnight. And then when he said he had to go to sleep, after i told him to have a nice first sleep of 2011 (yeah we did the whole, this is my first time in 2011 doing this) and then he said "ill talk to you later today (seeing as its 1 in the morning)" and i was like "oh yeah! i will!" and yeah so i should be talking to him at some point today. but maybe not as long since i will be going to sleep early tonight. it will most likely be me today saying that i need to go to sleep.

okay that's all wonderful and all but it can't be that fabulous right? well for one i haven't really talked to him a lot in person. which concerns me. but monday. i'll walk with him to english class. i don't know what we will talk about. his history project. despicable me (which i spoiled for him. >.<). and we still have two more days to come up with things to talk about in person via text. but it is going to be weird. since i've been talking to him a whole bunch but i haven't actually seen him. that is probably my major concern currently.

another concern. my family. what is my mother going to think when they see that in the last three days i've texted and received 160 texts from this new number. i've texted some other new people but thats only a few texts. not 160 in such a short period. can you even see that on a phone bill? i've never actually seen one. but maybe by then they'll know. if my mother hasn't already figured it out. but hey he passed number of texts that i've had with Maeve and my father. Maeve and I have sent 119 texts to each other since August 17th, that's the entire lifespan of my phone. My father and I have sent 111 texts to each other since then. The only people who are ahead of Josh in the number of texts department are Abby, my mother, and Dana, who are all in the 200s so my phone has stopped counting them accurately.

but yeah. now i should do homework. but question? am i too attached to my phone? i don't really think i am. if i was attached to my phone i would have already texted Josh today, but i haven't. if i was attached to my phone i would have texted Abby again because she never texted me back. if i was attached to my phone it would be next to me currently - oh wait, it is and it has been text to me for a long while. WHATEVER IT'S 2011! I DO WHAT I WANT.

and i what i want is to check my phone every five minutes in case i missed a new text message. okay maybe that is a bit ridiculous. but it isn't as bad now.

when i'm older am i going to look back on this and think "I was ridiculous and stupid and childish." I hope now. Why? Because I don't feel that why now. I don't feel stupid. I don't feel ridiculous or childish. But I'm sure I am going to make some mistakes and my future self will see those and be like "AH LOOK MISTAKES!" but you know those are inevitable. I might as well make them and learn from them and move on. so right now i do not feel like a stupid teenager but i do feel like a teenager. and i feel happy. so no matter how stupid or childish or idiotic or ridiculous i think this whole thing is in the future i can't forget that one thing - i am happy.

edit: the quote of the day applies scarily well. "Caught up in life, you see it badly. You suffer from it or enjoy it too much." – Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880) but hey i might as well enjoy it too much, right?