Monday, January 3, 2011


so let's make this blog post creative. let's create some scenarios and you have the guess which one represents my day the closest. we're going to use some different names but it really shouldn't be that hard.

Little Susie-Lou woke up the second her alarm clock went off so she could get to school nice and early. She was so excited to go back to school after vacation. She was even more excited than normally because over the last four days she had sent a boy name Timmy-Too over 200 text messages and she couldn't wait to actually see him in person. She put on the outfit that she picked out the night before, at 8 o'clock because she was in bed by 8:30 so she could make sure she got a good night's sleep. Everything looked perfect, her hair was perfect, her makeup was perfect, and she was just radiating. She got to school nice and early and saw Timmy-Too right away. They smiled at each other and he showed her the project he was so proud of. She was proud of it too. And they talked until the homeroom bell rang. Then they both went to their homerooms. After homerooms they walked together their english classes and talked the whole time. Then after fourth period they saw each other again and Timmy-Too said something to Susie-Lou and she made a witty remark that made him laugh and him smile. And then they went off to fifth period. Then they saw each other at the end of the day and she asked him how his day was and he asked her how her day was. And then he asked her to text her later. And of course she said yes. And they are texting at this very moment and she can't smiling.

Susie-Lou overslept. Then she threw on the closest clothes but she looked like a wreck. She didn't have time to put on any makeup and her hair wasn't behaving. She got to homeroom in time and saw Timmy-Too, who she had been texting nonstop the days before, but she was too afraid to say anything so she just sat in her chair and waited for him to leave her homeroom. When he did he didn't say a word to her. After homeroom Timmy-Too was right in front of her walking the same way she was but she walked slower because she had no idea what to say and she knew she looked horrible and she was too afraid. After fourth period he saw her but he didn't say a word and Susie-Lou thought that meant he didn't want to talk to her so she didn't. When school was over they were both at their lockers and Susie-Lou still thought that he didn't want her to talk to her so she didn't and he didn't say anything either. They both went home and didn't text each other all day.

Susie-Lou rolled out of bed at the last possible second without being considered late. She put on the clothes she had picked out the night before but she was so tired because she had stayed up later last night than she should have. She was kind of nervous for school because she was going to see Timmy-Too and she didn't know how their conversations on text messages would transfer into face to face conversation. She wasn't too nervous though because she was too tired and she couldn't afford time to think or else then she would be late. She didn't look spectacular but she didn't look bad either, just average. When she got to school the music was already playing. She passed Timmy-Too's brother but she didn't say anything to him. She went to her locker and got her stuff and the music stopped playing. She started walking to homeroom and the bell rang meaning everyone had to get to their homeroom. When she was in the hallway between her homeroom and Timmy-Too's homeroom she saw both Timmy-Too and Timmy-Too's sister. She said hi to Timmy-Too's sister and then asked Timmy-Too if he finished his history project and he said yeah. And they both went to homeroom because they didn't want to be late. During homeroom Susie-Lou talked to her bestest friend Anna-Lee but neither of them mentioned Timmy-Too. After homeroom Susie-Lou looked for Timmy-Too but didn't see him on the whole way to english class so she couldn't say anything to him. Then when was was walking to ceramics class she saw Timmy-Too walking down the hall the other way. She wasn't expecting him to be there because he is had never been there before. And as he passed by she waved and he said "Today I would go the wrong class" and she just smiled and went into her classroom because she didn't know what to say. When she was class she realized she should have said something like "Don't worry, it's the Monday after vacation" but she didn't because she never thinks of stuff like that on the spot, which is why she prefers text messages. She saw him walking the other way in a hallway after that period but she was talking to another friend and he was too far away for her to say anything. And then after fourth period she saw him at his locker but she didn't say anything when she passed by because she was talking to another friend. Then she was going to say something but he couldn't get his locker open and she didn't want to embarrass him and she couldn't think of what to say again. So she went to chemistry with her other friend and didn't say anything to him. Then later she thought she could have said "Having trouble opening your locker there, Timmy-Too" but of course she thought of that later. After school Susie-Lou went to her locker and both Timmy-Too and his sister. Susie-Lou told his sister thank you for texting her about yucky horse stuff but she didn't say anything to Timmy-Too because she had to get the stuff out of her locker, she didn't know what to say, and there were people in between. Then Timmy-Too left before she was done at her locker and he didn't say anything to her. She didn't say anything to him. When Susie-Lou was on the bus she thought about texting him but was too afraid to so she didn't. And she still hasn't. And she is debating about texting him now but she's going to ask Anna-Lee about all this first.

Susie-Lou didn't go to school today because she was "sick."

If you picked option number three, you are correct. But really this day I sort of realized that I shouldn't be nervous and freak out. Because nothing is really happening. I need to work on thinking of things to say and talking to "Timmy-Too." But he needs to do the same to me. Because I'm sure he was just about the same about of all the emotions that I was feeling. so I have to be the bigger person and talk to him first. so yeah now i'm just sort of like, whatever happens tomorrow happens. i'm not going to stress if something does or doesn't happen. so i think today was a good day for me. it sort of put me into a reality check. so i'm good.