Thursday, January 13, 2011

i'm a procrastinator. and a lazy person.

oh well.
you would think that i would try to get as much done now so i wouldn't have to do it on vacation. but i don't think doing IDSs will seem so bad when i can look out and see the ocean. or maybe i'll be less apt to do it. who knows. all i know is i don't want to do it right now. and when i say "it" i'm referring to history IDSs and english essay. they will get done though.

appointment four: Dylan Taylor (the same guy i've had two other lessons with, he's a nice guy, i like him), Annastasia or something like that, I can't remember her name, and Elisa or something like that. All of them are from Northampton High School.

i'm leaving on a jet plane soon. excited. but there is always the fear that something will go wrong. i think i will be okay though. i'm excited. i'm sort of sad that i'll miss school and i won't be able to text certain people. but at the same time i think it is good to sort of have a break. i'll see how the emailing thing works. i gave him my email address so he has to email me first. but we're still in that weird stage where we don't know if we are supposed to say something to each other and what we should say. and i always blow when i could say hi. like today but i'm not going to get into that because it's insignificant and i don't feel the need to.

um. what else should i talk about? i could but i feel like i shouldn't say that. i could inform you that right now i have exactly 1223 songs in my main playlist. i could talk about my view on politics, or on religion because i've meant to do that lately.

now i feel like talking about politics. sort of. mostly the fact that almost every person around here talks about republicans like shit. they are the butt of every joke. George Bush? yeah everyone just laughs in his face. do you realize that he is a real person? they just act like their ideas are the best and anyone who disagrees with them are stupid. and they just assume that they agree with you. sure these are a bunch of stereotypes but it is what i see all the time. almost every history class there is a stab at the republicans. and it's not even the fact that my parents are republicans. i mean all because they have different view doesn't mean they are stupid. and Sarah Palin? people just bash her all the time. do they see how strong and brave she is? she gets all the crap all the time. she is one of the first women to put herself out there in the realm of politics. but people hate her. why? have they ever met her? gah it frustrates me so much.

plus all the democrats i know just bash the republicans and just assume that you know their views and that they are the best. and my father just says "typical liberal" but he doesn't tell me the difference between "Democratic" and "Republican." they both just look like humans to me. yet we use those labels as a reason to judge people.

now religion? nah. you pretty much know what i think there. there is no way that evolution happened all by chance. this one mutation by chance led a chain of mutations that led to what we are today. look around you. there is no way this all happened without someone controlling and wanting this to happen.

okay that was my deep post full of thought instead of doing homework. now it's dinner. then maybe i'll do homework. but probably not.