Sunday, January 2, 2011

Abby our blogs are twins!

That is because we are both talking about the same thing. But I don't mind. I hope you don't mind. You can tell me to shut up at any time because you never did this to me back before you and Colin started dating. Then again, I wasn't that close to you then. So anyways.

Yes, there was one picture of me from the party where I was on my phone. Which made me smile. Now we have matching cellphone pictures. We're cool kids.

SO I WROTE THAT BACK AT 12:46pm but now it's 7:26. I had to go roller skate. At the 4H holiday party. And at that party I got another picture taken of me on my phone. Of course. But hey that is a sign of a cool kid.

But there are two things i want to talk about. first is abby's blog post because it made me smile a lot. Here is some of what she said: "yesterday when i asked you to text my young gentalman friend, because he was in an odd mood, once he got your text he was still odd, but he was talkitive and laughing and almost giddy. it was great! and he was just was different. it was pretty cool." I was actually going to ask her if my texts changed anything, but I didn't have to because she told me. Which made me really happy. Because I am sure the same thing happens to me too. Like when I went shopping, I didn't buy anything and we weren't even shopping for me. I was just following Maeve and my mom around wherever they wanted to go but I was so happy because he was texting me that I didn't even care. I was all smiles pretty much.

And then this made me even happier: "and he was as crazy about checking his phone as you say you are. i texted him just to see what would happen, and he like pulled his phone outta' know where and was like 'click' 'click', and then glared at me. it was pretty cool." ahhh. at least i'm not the only one acting like an idiot checking my phone all the time, like oh maybe i missed a text. when i get a text a little light on the side of the phone lights up. so i just stare at my phone waiting for that light to come on. then i'm like, oh maybe i missed it. so i wake up my phone and i look for the little text icon in the top left corner. most of the time it's not there and i'm like...molly stop checking your phone. like right now it is next to me charging and when it's charging the light is red so i'm waiting for it to change. and i will be able to see it out of side of my eye when it changes but i keep looking just in case i missed it. silly girl.

the other thing i wanted to talk about. tomorrow i have school. i'm nervous. i'm more nervous for school tomorrow than i've been about going to school in a long time. (note i just woke up my phone to double check that i didn't miss a text) because tomorrow is sort of the test. like if all these texts actually mean something in real life. i hope so. and i hope i can get over my nervousness and you know just be me. and i don't want to screw up or say something stupid or ah.

i don't think i will. i think it will go like this. i'll say "hi" and then say something about the project. and maybe go see it. OR he'll be too busy getting his project all set that i won't see him before homeroom. and then after homeroom i'll catch up with him so i can walk with him to english. but watch, tomorrow will be the one day that he'll be super duper ahead of me and i won't be able to. it would work out like that. and then i would say something about ruining Despicable Me for him but ask if he liked it. and then i would tell him to have fun in english class. and then i wouldn't see him until before fifth period (YES, i know when i see him in the hallways) and i'm not sure what i would say. maybe i would ask if he has to present his board game in front of the class, since he has history next. and then i won't see him until the end of the day. ah then what would i say? i'm running out of things to say. maybe i would say "text me later?" or i don't know. this is so complicated trying to talk to someone whenever you see them when you aren't used to talking to them.

but i think it will go fine. but that doesn't mean i'm not nervous. goodness. wait. the light on my phone just turned white. yes indeed it was him. now i don't know what to say. ah problems. i'll wait a bit because i don't want to text him back right away. because then it will seem like i'm hanging on the phone waiting for him to text me...oh i am doing that.

um. i think i need to stop talking about this because i'm freaking myself out even more. i wasn't thinking about tomorrow until i started writing this.

there was something else i thought about writing about. now i forget. because he sent me a text. oh well.

OH I REMEMBER. my saying for this year is: "It's 2011, I do what I want"