Wednesday, January 19, 2011

weird coincidences.

first. we were in the car waiting to get by on a road, there was a power line down we found out later. but my father put the radio on and this one song came on that i liked a lot. the one line that i remembered was "i'm no superman, i hope you like me as i am" so i got home and i googled it. and it came up that Joe Brooks is the artist and it is called Superman. I was like "wait a second, i think I like his fan page on facebook" and sure enough I did. I had never heard one of these guy's songs before. Definitely never on the radio. I think I liked him on facebook because Taylor Mathews told me too. Anyways. I had never heard this guy songs before but I go to Tobago and I hear one on the radio. Isn't that weird?

second. at Sunday School when we were eating two guys from England sat down across from my dad and me. my dad started talking to them. one of them is the leader of Sheffield and the other a doctor. the next day after that they showed up at the same beach as us, so we said hi. and today as we were leaving the little fast food place we picked up food from they pulled it and we said hi. what is the odds that on the whole island we saw them three times? i was laughing so hard when we saw them.

um. so today we were supposed to go to the rainforest with Marilyn and Ceon's children. two out of the four came. Aliea and Selwyn. Aliea is 9 and Selwyn 12. they are both fabulous. Aliea wasn't shy at all and held my hand the whole time and just made herself part of the family. Selwyn was this polite little boy who was so nice and was trying to act older than he was. he actually looked younger than 12. at one point i caught him standing on one of the rocks near the waterfall beating his hands on his chest like he was king of the jungle and i grinned at him and he smiled and looked down embarressed that someone had saw him. he plays the drums too. when we were walked up some steps he was making a beat with his hand on the wooden railing. and i asked him if he played the drums and his had heard and said "what?" and i said to Selwyn again, "do you play drums?" and his dad said "yeah he plays!" and i said "that is so cool! i want to learn how to play!" Selwyn is just so cute and fabulous. Too bad he isn't 4 years older. Well his brother is 4 years older but apparently he is too cool to come to the rainforest on his day off. actually i don't know why he didn't come but he didn't. oh well. i am kind of glad that he didn't come, so i could get to know the little kids better without worrying about having a guy my age there. and the 16 year old did come to the house this morning, i saw him on his cell phone once, and he was watching us play tag, and i saw him smiling at us. but he didn't come with us. neither did their little four year old sister but that was just as well. they are supposed to come over for dinner on Sunday. i wouldn't mind seeing them before then, well Aliea and Selwyn.

okay now i am going to go watch some Shaytards and then go to sleep.