Sunday, January 9, 2011

i'm not feeling today. at all.

ever since i woke up i've been tired.
i've been doing homework but i feel like i've accomplished nothing and still have a ton to do.
a book i was going to read i left at school. at least i hope its at school and i didn't lose it.
i'm still in my pjs and its 3:21.
i feel lousy.
i threw my hair up in a ponytail and it actually looks pretty good and no one is going to see it.
i saw my horse listed on a horse advertisement site.
my mom said that when we come back from vacation he might be gone.
i'm doubting if i really want to sell him.
but i don't want to ride him.
i feel yucky.
i need someone to make me feel better.
abby's at rehearsal.
i could text josh but i'm not feeling it.
i don't know maybe i should text him.
or i sit here feeling sorry for myself.
i wonder if when people read this what they think.
do they think i'm a lazy girl who complains to much?
do they relate to me?
do they wish they had been here to tell me something?
would they tell me to go do more homework?
i have school tomorrow.
i don't want to go.
maybe this vacation isn't a good idea.
i have so much work now that i would have.
well i more have it looming over me.
like i should have this essay done for friday instead of next tuesday.
i should do a bunch of history stuff.
but i'm not really complaining about the vacation because i want to go.
i don't want to be in my snuggie typing on my computer.
i need a break.
when are my contacts going to come in?
i want to be able to wear sunglasses.
yeah i know its in the middle of winter.
i want to go sledding.
this is so pointless.
my life is pointless currently.
eventually it will have a point.
until then i will continue onwards.