Monday, January 24, 2011

last day in tobago = bad mood.

My dad woke me up at like 8 o'clock, saying i had to get up. So I got up and started getting ready. After I got dressed I brought my dirty clothes out to ask where to put them, and my mom's in the pool. Oh and there's Maeve and Maura about to get in the pool. Whatever. So I keep getting ready and then my dad says mommy wants a group shot. So I go out there and she is like No, I want everyone in the pool. Well I'm in my clothes. So she says get changed and come in for one last swim. I said No, you told me to get up and get ready so that is what I did. So in the nice group shot I'm the only one not in my bathing suit. Boohoo. It would have been nicer if you told me that everyone was getting in for a last swim before I got dressed and started packing. Or maybe you could have let me sleep longer, because now I'm ready to go and no one else has even begun packing.

Just get me home please. I'm sick and tired of being with my family all the time. I don't really want to go to school either but anything to just get away. I'm just so tired. And it felt pretty awful seeing them all sitting in the hot tub together. Yeah I could have joined them but I'm in a stinkin' bad mood because of them. Just get me home before I start crying.

Edit: And it's between 80 and 90 degrees here, and -19 at home. I don't want to go back to that. But I want to go home.