Friday, January 21, 2011

Dear Abby,

I miss you very much. I feel so disconnected from everything is happening. Even though nothing is really happening. Just the day to day stuff. Like seeing you in the hallway. Or when I come to school in the morning and enter homeroom half asleep and see your shining face. And I would love to see this breakfast food thingy and this whole new food! And stupid stupid snow. Not looking forward to that at all. And that is a strange dream, but also sort of nice at the same time. So I'll give you my analysis on the analysis it gave you. I'll include your original post at the bottom of this one, on the off chance this blog actually becomes "famous" or whatever.

Spring: This is good. Seeing as I am in a warm place now. And when I come back it is sort of going to be like a new beginning in a way, but sort of not at all. And with my relationship (remember, that doesn't mean bf/gf, you have relationships with everyone) with Josh is sort of like a new beginning and hope and such.

Wedding: Maybe this means I'm sort of growing into myself, I don't know how else to say it. I guess like sort of being comfortable and more confident and all. Or maybe that is just because I'm on vacation and I'm just myself all the time, I don't have to worry about school.

Light: I don't really have a problem, so I don't think it is solving anything. Or maybe it is sort of telling me that I'll know what to do soon.

Green: So do you know what comes into my head right away right? Me and Josh. Leaving it at that.

Wedding Dress: Yeah, see above.

Confusion: You should probably see above again. Because this whole analysis can pretty much be related back to that.

So yes I can relate to this. Or maybe I am just making myself relate to it because Josh is on my mind because he is on my mind more than he probably should me, and I just checked my email for an email from him.

Now I am going out to dinner. I'll be back in a few hours.

And Abby's post:

dear molly,
i would like you to come home too. i miss you, i miss being about to text you random things that happen in my day as they happen. because it's hard to tell you everything that i did, and there is nothing really exciting going on anyway! but i know that the next sleep over we have, i am going to show you something for breakfast foods! i made a whole new food today! it was very exciting! i might do it tomorrow! gahhh i miss you! our show didn't happen, stupid snow.
Oh i had a weird dream!
it was another wedding one!
molly these are weird dreams.

this was like a spring wedding, ( i guess) we were outside, (we as in you and i) and there was this weird bright almost green light everywhere, but we could still see well. and you were FREAKING out, but you were speaking really fast and it was not understandable, i kept telling you to calm down and stop worrying. and you just were gblaskdjaoivhe;jklfn"ing and well that was stressful.(now this is the weird part.) it wasn't my wedding. it was yours, ( and i don't know why i was freaking out.)
more things i remember. i had a green dress on, yours was this champagne didn't have your glasses on....okay i am going to look these up...

Spring::To dream of the season of spring, signifies hope, new beginnings and creative endeavors. It is also a symbol of warmth, virility and fruitfulness.

A wedding is a union of opposites. To dream of a wedding is most likely to represent the coming together of the opposite aspects of your personality. For example, the couple may represent the fundamental creative forces of life: male and female, matter and spirit, conscious and unconscious, rationality and imagination. This union of diverse forces in your psyche suggests that you will achieve inner wholeness.

light::To see light in your dream, represents illumination, clarity, guidance, plain understanding, and insight. Light is being shed on a once cloudy situation or problem. You have found the truth to a situation or an answer to a problem. Also consider the color of the light for additional significance.

Green signifies a positive change, good health, growth, fertility, healing, hope, vigor, vitality, peace, and serenity. The appearance of the color may also be a way of telling you to "go ahead". Alternatively, green is a metaphor for a lack of experience in some task.

wedding dress
To wear a wedding dress in your dream, indicates that you are evaluating and assessing your personal relationship.

confusionTo dream that you are confused, reflects your true confused state of mind and the nonsensical events of your waking life. Isolate the single element in your dream that is confusing to you and analyze the meaning of that particular symbol. Alternatively, dreams of confusion indicate that you are being pulled in opposite directions or you do not know which viewpoint is right.

so that's what i got, i think that i am loosing my mind. maybe we have a mind link? can you relate to any of this? oh well. i can't wait to talk to you!