Sunday, January 23, 2011

sad face.

I'm probably never going to see those kids again. That is very sad. Because I like them very much. It is very very very sad. Like I'm very sad. I can't even tell you how sad I am. Do you realize that I am never going to see them again? Andrea Campbell, Aleia Campbell, Selwin Campbell, and Colin/Calrin/Oldestofthefourchildren Campbell if you are reading this right now, do whatever in your power to find me, so i can see your lovely faces again.

Ah so yeah, it was a good day. First my father made some comment to Ceon like "Have you ever thought about cutting down that tree" so the view would be better. And guess what Ceon did? Cut down the tree. This was a big tree. And he cut it down. Selwin and Colin helped. Oh Colin is TCFR, I'll talk about him later. So that is what Ceon, Selwin, and Colin spent the morning doing that. When I woke up everyone was already here. So we played with Andrea and Aleia outside for a little bit. And then we went swimming, Colin stayed down helping his father, but Selwin came and played with us. So we swam. And then it was lunch time. And Colin went home. He legit walked home. My dad was like "What? No! Let's go pick him up" so my dad and Ceon went and picked him up.

Now you might be wondering why Colin went home, without even saying hi or anything. He is extremely shy and just keeps to himself. Marlyn and Ceon weren't sure how he was going to be with this whole thing. But hey it turned out okay.

Anyways, my dad and Ceon went and got Colin, and then we all ate. We waited until everyone had food on their plate, said Grace, and then ate. Conversation at lunch was a little bit awkward, but the food was good. Marlyn made us some bread pudding salad and some rice and chicken. After we ate we were playing with the DSs for a bit, and Colin went outside swimming, he hadn't said a word yet. He was in the hot tub and my dad went over and was talking to him. Then everyone decided to go swimming. So we all swam around, and Colin pretty much kept to himself. Then we were tossing each other the football, and we tossed it to him a few times but he wasn't really into it. And then afterwards we played keepaway. It was Maeve and me against Selwin and Colin. So he got into that, and we had fun. He still wasn't really talking. And then we played Capture the Flag, and Colin didn't play at first because he didn't really get it, but then he joined in. It was Maeve, Selwin, and Maura against Aleia, Colin, and me. We ended up winning but Maura hurt her foot right as we did so it wasn't that good of an ending, and then no one really wanted to play again. But hey Colin tagged me out of jail, and I tagged him out so we were all good. And then we got out the DSs. and played Mario Cart over and over again. Colin was really good, I beat him once or twice. He beat everyone all the other times though, and he started to get cocky saying things like "I'm the best" but it was hard to understand him. He had the worst accent out of everyone. The kids I could understand pretty well, but him not so much. And then after everyone was sort of done playing with the DS, I was trying to help Marlyn with her computer and facebook, so I was sitting at the table next to her, and Colin came and sat next to me. He asked me if I had Windows 7, but i didn't really get what he was saying for a while. It felt bad, having no idea what he saying. But he sat there next to me humming, playing with the Uno cards the left out, and playing with the cellphone. I probably should have said something but I didn't think of anything then. And then he went down to the apartment and I heard the t.v. on. So I should have said something then but oh well.

Later my mom and dad were saying how they were proud of us for being such good hosts, because their parents were saying how Colin normally keeps to himself and they weren't sure how he would do in this situation. But he was fine, I think he had fun. And the other kids I know had fun. This was a big deal for them. The meal that Marlyn cooked for us was a special occasion meal, like they have it once a year. And apple juice boxes? Whoa. Those are pretty big too. So I'm going to miss them. They are all pretty fabulous people. It just sucks that I'll never see them again. We were talking about them moving the U.S. but they probably wouldn't be happy there. Then we were talking about them taking a trip up to visit, and we would pay for their plane tickets. My mom said that she could see Ceon traveling but she couldn't see the whole family. Which is sad, because it would be really awesome if they all came up. Maybe sometime in the future, now that we are friends with Marlyn on facebook. She disconnected Selwin's facebook, which was why we couldn't find him. He spent a long while trying to get in or create a new one. But Marlyn isn't very computer savy, I had to show her how to upload pictures. Anyways.

Then they left and we looked over the edge and waved, all of them waved back. And Andrea started crying when she had to leave, she was very sad. And now I have to tell you how their names sound - it's On-dre-ah and it isn't really Colin it's Call-in or Call-lyn or maybe it's Call-ryn or Call-rin. I'm not really sure, it was just easier to write out Colin.

Now I have to email back Josh and go to sleep, because I have to go to the airport tomorrow morning. Ah goodbye Tobago. ):

Edit: Quote of the day: "A memory is a beautiful thing, it's almost a desire that you miss." – Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880)
Very appropriate because now the children are a memory, and soon Tobago will be just a memory, almost like we were never there.