Tuesday, January 11, 2011

today is today.

i want to keep a list of all the people i've had driving appointments with so that way they can be like "I LEARNED HOW TO DRIVE WITH MOLLY RONAN!" when i'm famous and all. so here you go:
appointment one: Reed, Dylan, Alex
appointment two: Anna (pronounced On-na), Liz Labrie, Neil
appointment three: Vicky Cooley, Dylan (same one from a.1), Milo, and some girl who was on her last appointment and was probably stoned or hung over or really tired and out of it and shouldn't be driving, i didn't catch her name and she probably doesn't want me to put her name here. so there you go.

and last night i was nervous because i made the mistake of bringing up college with josh. well it wasn't really a mistake. i just said something stupid, "i don't know if college is as important as everyone makes it seem, like SATS and such" to which he says "what do you mean? college is important and so are SATs just not to colleges" and i was like oh great i dug myself into a hole there. so after silently freaking about i said "i think they are important, they are just built up so much. but we still have a year and a half. one step at a time. and right now i'm watching pretty little liars and texting you before going to sleep" then he said "yep, no need to rush ahead, just take things as they come =)" and i said "Right. (: can't forget that" and he said "Nope =) Therese still a long way to go, so in the meantime you can talk to me =D" and i said "And I am perfectly happy doing that. (:" and he said "So am i =) But fr now i must prepare for bed, so ill talk to you tomorrow =) goodnight for now"

So i went from thinking i screwed myself over to a very nice conversation.

But yeah is college really as important as everyone says? I know it is. I am going to college. I am doing a bunch of work now in high school so I can go to college. But in 30 years will you look at your career and life and say "the reason I am here is because i went to college." i think it will help but i don't think it is going to be solely because of college. my parents never talk about college, but maybe that's just my parents. Everyone makes college seem like such a big deal though. I'm excited to go and I want to go but still.

And now I am going to watch a movie and text josh and eat ice cream. Bye bye blogger world for now.
And btw today around 6-7ish we got a call saying there is a snow day tomorrow. It hasn't started snowing yet.