dear future molly,
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Posted by molly. at 7:43 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 21, 2009
hey. you're kinda of cute. yeah. you.
Molly Ronan today is the first of winter. i was ready for winter to be done weeks ago.
Posted by molly. at 4:10 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 17, 2009
someday a boy/guy/man will serenade me with a song that includes my name because my name isn't Caroline so they can't sing me Sweet Caroline so they will have to find another song or make one up and sing it to me with my name in it.
Posted by molly. at 8:41 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
hey. hey. hey. hey. hey.
Posted by molly. at 7:01 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 11, 2009
hey hey hey heeeeeyyy your lipstick stains...
yeah i don't wear lipstick.
Posted by molly. at 9:29 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
starting to freak out.
i have a lesson at mt. holyoke today and it's scary. i wasn't that nervous about it until maeve was going. maeve is stressing and freaking out and it is stressing and freaking me out and ah. i just want to get it done with or just cancel it please.
Posted by molly. at 2:13 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
here's a story that will never come true. but it is the type of story that i think of early in the morning.
okay so i have no idea how i started thinking of this story so i'm just going to sort of jump to where i remember. hopefully i remember correctly. remember i thought of this at seven in the morning while getting dressed. don't know why but i thought i should record it and it is something to do instead of homework or my novel. i need to stop procrastination. anyways here is the story.
Posted by molly. at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 5, 2009
i'm so tired right now. i had a horrible night. i kept waking up and not being able to fall back asleep. i can't swallow a freaking pill. it's really cold outside and i have to go have a lesson where i am going to get my butt kicked. i don't want to go. i want to lie in my bed all day and do nothing.
Posted by molly. at 10:10 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 4, 2009
back aches and quests.
so my back hurts. it's probably a good thing i didn't sleep over Abby's today. yeah.
Posted by molly. at 9:43 PM 0 comments
read this. it's scary accurate.
Posted by molly. at 5:54 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 3, 2009
i want to start editing my novel. i want to think of submitting it to a publisher. i want to get it from createspace in my hands.
Posted by molly. at 7:36 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
hi. how are you today? i'm alright. sort of tired and i want to just give up. just like stop everything and say "woah this whole life thing? it's not for me".
Posted by molly. at 7:52 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 21, 2009
the song that just came on shuffle was "keep holding on" by the glee cast.
Posted by molly. at 10:25 AM 0 comments
so last night wasn't that great. but for the rest of my existence that is spent with the people that i spent it will i will be constantly reminded that it was amazing and they had a great time. yeah it sort of sucked. the movie? was amazing. being ditched by steph and katelyn twice? not so great. having to go and get them because everyone started to go in without us so we ended up at the END of the line? not so great. having to listen to Stephanie talk during the movie and after the movie all the way on the car ride home? not so great. having to deal with katelyn so told me to "shut up"? not so great. be frustrated at the only friends i have? not so great. feeling like an outsider with my own friends and my own mother and sister? not so great. wanting to fall asleep on the bus ride home and for the rest of the day? not so great. feeling awful the day after? not so great. knowing that i have a bunch of homework to do today? not so great. knowing that i will probably get my period while we are away on vacation to a beach? not so great. becca? not so great. not knowing what to say to becca if she finally gets the gets the gut to ask me in person why i hate her? not so great. feeling sick right now? not so great. having to pack? not so great. my life right now? wonderful.
Posted by molly. at 10:06 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 19, 2009
i need to express this feeling of dislike that was just brought about from this message on facebook:
Posted by molly. at 6:02 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
i should be at my twin's concert right now but i'm not because my sister is sick. i'm stuck at home. but at least i was able to get some writing done. :/
Posted by molly. at 8:24 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
wooo! celebrate!
today i reached two milestones in my novel. i completed more than 60% and i'm now over 100 pages. so i went onto wordle, copy and pasted my novel and this is what i got. the bigger the word that means it shows up more. the size depends on the percentages of times it shows up and such. got it? it randomly gave me it to me in this font/size/color/shape and such. love it.

Posted by molly. at 8:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 16, 2009
here is my horoscope thing for December/January according to the magazine Girl's Life.
Posted by molly. at 8:26 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
so tomorrow i don't have school. today was fine. the one period that sort of stands out in my mind english. for several reasons. first cause Sawyer sat behind Vicky, next to me, diagonal from Katelyn, in front of Casey, diagonal from Devin. got the picture? probably not but it wasn't his usual seat. i think it was because he wanted to sit next to Vicky so he could work with her which he did. it was fine. i got to talk to him more which was a bit awkward but that is expected because duhhh i'm a social failure and such. but i'm trying to be nonchalant -vocab word!- about everything. but i need something to think and worry about because if not then what else am i suppose to think about? i haven't been stressing over horse shows lately and the next one isn't until December anyways but that one will be stressful because i need to get a certain place or higher to qualify for the next round. but i'm sort of whatever about that too.
Posted by molly. at 3:02 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 5, 2009
today is one of those days that make me happy.
i just got back from seeing a play. it made me happy. it was one of those plays where everything worked out and made you happy. i love corny/clique/typical stuff like that. Hannah Montana movie? ummm I enjoyed it.
Posted by molly. at 9:47 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 31, 2009
i said i need to stop being negative but that failed completely. mostly because i'm being stupid and won't go out with them. why would i? i don't have a halloween costume and i'm too old to go trick-or-treating so instead i would be walking around like a loser with my parents. that is not fun. not at all. this SUCKS. i hate halloween. i don't even have any friends i can make plans with. my mother told me to go hang out at Abby's house but i don't want to invite myself over and plus it will probably just end up being extremely awkward the whole time like it always is when i hang out with my friends. it's so awkward we end up watching tv the whole time because we can't figure out what to do. i'm sure when they hang out with their other friends they have a grand old time doing whatever they want and they don't need to sit around watching tv. i'm just boringggggg so akdgjlksdfgjvkadsjfakl;djsfkl
Posted by molly. at 4:05 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 29, 2009
i need to stop whining and complaining. i need to start thinking positive. but my lovely facebook fortune cookie of today said "Your past success will be overshadowed by your future success". Don't you know it.
Posted by molly. at 8:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
today in 4h i learned: lori brogle knows everything and 4h sucks. oh wait. i already knew that.
i went to my first 4h meeting in a while. i am pretty certain i'm not going back. i don't think i feel like reliving it because i'll probably cry again. yep, i almost cried during 4h but i managed to hold myself together. i bet a bunch of people thought i was crying or was going to - oh wow they were right! sure i'm having my period now so i'm oversensitive or more moody or whatever but i don't think that should be an excuse. i shouldn't almost cry during 4h then silently cry on the way home. i shouldn't want to leave 4h early and then do. i shouldn't tell my mother that i'm ready to leave then get my sister to but i did.
Posted by molly. at 7:51 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
50,000 words.
that is what i am going to do. write a novel with 50,000 words in a month.
Posted by molly. at 6:39 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 18, 2009
the boyfriend list ; the boy book ; the treasure map of boys
i just finished reading that series of books. i like them. a lotttt. they were so realistic and i loved the voice of the main character, the way she talked and explained everything. it was really good. it took me a while to get into the first one but once i did i managed to read the last two in two or three days. it was extremely wonderful.
Posted by molly. at 1:13 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 17, 2009
never doubt the power of music.
my father is the expert for maeve's project so they were working on it and the two of them were in bad moods. i put some music on in the background softly. they are in such good moods now. well not the best of moods but better than before. muchhhh betterrrr. yay for music.
Posted by molly. at 4:07 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 16, 2009
i was just invited to a birthday party. i was completely shocked. i was invited to Dana's birthday party. she is on my IEA riding team. she goes to a different school so i only know her from there. we have gotten closer since last year but we are sort of riding only sort of stuff. i don't see her outside of riding lessons and shows so that was why i was sort of shocked that i was invited. i have no idea what other types of friends she has. i know she dated Alex or had some sort of relationship with him. she also knows Michelle and i think that Stephanie went to CCD with her. anyways. first reaction when i read that apart from the oh my god is she serious would probably be no. i am not a party girl. this is a dance party and i am not a big dancer. i have been to three dances before and they have not all been the best. they are actually sort of boring. or i feel out of place. i don't have the confidence where i can just go flaunt it on the dance floor or whatever you do at at dance party. plus i don't have any friends going. the only people i would know would be Dana, Abby Szat, Bella, Taylor, and if Moriah goes which i doubt. i'm not friends with them really. so i would be the loner. but on the flip side of that. i don't know anyone. there would be a bunch of people my age mingling that have never seen me before. they may not avoid me completely. it could be a new opportunity. the old Molly would never go to a dance party. maybe i could. it's next saturday. a week from tomorrow. that friday we have the spooky sleepover. which is just fine and dandy. so i would be exhausted from that. but at least i think Abby wouldn't mind going to sleep "early" because i know she has a sleepover the end night as well. but i need to think about this. plus i haven't even told my mother about it because she just got home from getting Maeve and Rosemarie from the dance where there was some sort of drama but i ain't asking.
Posted by molly. at 9:28 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
keep holding on.
you're not alone
Posted by molly. at 8:37 PM 0 comments
what is the date? write it down!
it is october 15th 2009. it's snowing outside. got it? it's the 15th of october. there were leaves and snow falling at the same time. it's too early. but maybe this means that it will end early...
Posted by molly. at 8:23 PM 0 comments
a $50 itunes gift certificate. how long should that last?
how about half of it is gone in less than 5 minutes. stupid itunes with their "itunes plus" and the "buy all". i could have saved $7 dollars if there wasn't that stupid "buy all" button but whatever. it's just money. it comes and goes.
Posted by molly. at 6:52 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
yay for ditching. yay for skipping. 4h of course. i would never skip or ditch school or anything. which you probably already know. my future is too valuable to do something stupid like that. anyways i had finished my homework before we had to go to 4h but i just didn't want to go. plus they are appointing officers today and Steph, our leader, wanted me to be president. but i said no. so i'll just avoid that too. this time last year if i was appointed leader it might have been a completely different thing. but right now i don't want to. last year i would have loved to but instead we still did that stupid voting thing and Bella was voted over me. because she is more likable than me. i'm the stuck-up bitch. woah. no. don't say that is a lie because i know it is true. right about now i would say i don't care and i sort of don't but i sort of do too. in science class i am sure that is the only word they know me by, bitch. i sort of just order around my group. yeah i do it on purpose but if i didn't then we would get nothing done and they have no idea what they are doing. i hate my science class. today our teacher handed out all of our tests but he was one short so he LEFT THE ROOM to make another copy. everyone started talking. "what did you get for number one?" i mean come on. what kind of teacher would do that? then we get a break in the middle of our double lab. most people weren't done with their test. he let us leave anyways. we could have went and looked up all the answers we needed. stupid teacher. i really don't like him. i really don't like that class.
Posted by molly. at 6:26 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 12, 2009
i am going to type really fast now in hope that my father won't ask me any questions. he started asking me questions about babysitting. please don't say anything else. i don't feel like crying in front of you. "how is school going?" he asks me that the night before school starts after a three day weekend. i know i have two freaking Cs. i don't need you giving me any grief about it, i have been beating myself up enough. it doesn't help that i probably failed that test i just took in algebra. gah. okay that isn't what i wanted to talk about but i my dad talked to me right before i was about to write this.
Posted by molly. at 8:29 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 11, 2009
this type of post always comes next.
yep. you guessed it. this is the positive upbeat post since my last one was so negative. what can i say? i'm a teenager and i have these lovely things called mood swings. maybe eventually i'll have my emotions a little more under control, or a lot more.
Posted by molly. at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 10, 2009
wooohooo. not.
i'm in a bad mood once again. i just woke up and came downstairs to my maeve doing maura's hair in the bathroom and the two of them singing. that made me upset. not going to explain why because they i would have to be all like blah, blah, blah. i am also sort of upset because i don't want to have my riding lesson but i have to and i would NEVER complain about riding or anything to anyone in my family because that is sort of an unspoken rule. i have a horse now and i have to show that i love him and i can't complain. and another thing that sort of made me upset is i went on facebook this morning and almost every single status had something to do with who they were going to see this weekend and how they were going to have so much fun with their friends. it's like this almost every single weekend. i haven't gone out or seen any of my friends out of school. instead i'm stuck at home every single weekend with my family. or at least i would be if i didn't have my horses. i see my computer screen much more than i see my friends. if you add up all the hours i am sure that would be true. actually i only have one friend that i would even want to see after school. no big friend sleepovers for me. nope. no pictures posted up on facebook of my exciting weekends except for a few from horse shows just to show that i do have a life and somewhere that i belong. so yeah. i think i'm done. stop writing when you are done. hm. but what should i do now instead? go onto facebook and feel bad for myself again. read a book? no, i already did that all this morning. homework? that would be the ideal choice seeing as my dad wants to take away the one time where i escape this freaking house. does he realize that wednesday and thursday i didn't do any homework. not that any was due the next day. i don't have the guts to not do my homework on purpose. not after Mr. Butler called me out in class when i didn't have my homework and i almost started to cry. i'm pretty sure since that day i have always had my homework. but thinking about that has just made me feel worse. and now the fact that i shouldn't be upset because i am so blessed and all and i should be grateful just came in my head. so in other words i'm an awful person for being upset like this, i should be happy all the time because just look at what i have to be happy about. a whole lot more than most people do. so i'll just sulk around all day and then go do my horse stuff. and you know the worse part is that i do have horse stuff that i do almost every day but it's not like i'm blowing anything off or have to tell my friend i can't come with them to their big shopping trip. i don't have anything better to do. nah. that isn't the worst part. i'm sure you can find something worse than that in this wonderful rant.
Posted by molly. at 10:21 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 9, 2009
i am frustrated again.
my mother mentioned at dinner today that my father wants me to consider dropping babysitting so i can concentrate on my grades. ooooh. that that is what you guys were talking about on your way to the seminar. my stupid grades. i know this is the first time you have ever had a daughter that has gotten a C on a report card but don't jump the gun here. it is the first part of the year. we have barely been in school for a month. i have an algebra teacher who gives tests and quizzes on nothing that we cover in class. i also have a history teacher who mentions one thing then says that is fair for the test because she said it who gives us no warning for what our quiz is going to be like. so buzz off. if anything is causing me to get bad grades is the stress from home which causes me to be lazy and not want to do anything. i don't need to hear you fight with mother all day and only talk about the office. we do nothing except go to the office, do homework, go to school, go to the barn, and the one time i get out of the house and barn in MONTHS is when i babysit and you feel like taking that away from me. the kids frustrate me sometimes but if i wasn't babysitting i would most likely be at the barn anyways so might as well have me babysit and give me the chance that they could put me in a better mood than any of you here at home could.
Posted by molly. at 6:56 PM 0 comments
i think i need to stop being so serious in my blogs. all i talk about is a bunch of serious stuff. well that is probably because that is what my life is filled with and this is the only time i actually get to break it down and look at it. this year was suppose to be my year. you know like that big transition year and all. didn't happen. i don't know if it will ever happen. i don't know if i ever care if it does or not. do i want it to? yeah but will it? probably not mostly because i don't have the guts or the courage to do it and i doubt a big physical change will help/happen.
Posted by molly. at 3:50 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 8, 2009
12 things to be thankful for as told by Girls' Life Magazine October/November 2009. Volume 16, Issue 2
Posted by molly. at 8:43 PM 0 comments
things you should do in your life courtesy of MLIA:
Posted by molly. at 6:10 PM 0 comments
i need/want to write a blog but watching glee is more important.
Posted by molly. at 3:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
let's play catch up.
or not. i could tell you all about the horse show but i don't want to. i'll tell you that it was extremely scary when the horse trailer fell off of the car. i was scared that one of the horses were hurt. i was extremely scared. i held myself together but once we were in the car again on our way to the show i started crying. it was scary.
Posted by molly. at 3:39 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
i feel like crap.
i broke down at dinner today. i saw Maeve's progress report. she has all 100s except for two 97s. i started to cry. i don't have one 100. my highest is a 97. i have a 77 and a 79. the lowest i have ever gotten. the first time i have ever had a total grade lower than a 80. it sucks. it sucks more that i started crying and made the rest of my family feel bad. i suck.
Posted by molly. at 6:55 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 4, 2009
today was a really long day.
i am so tired right now. i'm going to go though my day for you a bit.
Posted by molly. at 6:51 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 3, 2009
i just watched another episode of The Secret Life of the American Teenager. it's not as good as glee but it is pretty darn good. my favorite character is Griffon. like i wish he really existed and went to HRHS. so i'm going to find out what episode he first comes in and tell you to go watch it.
Posted by molly. at 12:40 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 2, 2009
i'm back once again.
here are the statistics for number of posts on this blog:
Posted by molly. at 6:11 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
sometimes i wish that i could be the new girl. it would most likely be a horrible experience but it would also give me the chance to start over and be with people who don't know who i already am. would it help my confidence? maybe not. but you know it's nice to imagine that it would be better because if i found out that nothing is better than where i am now then it sort of makes the whole world seem sort of thumbs down because hrhs ain't too great of a high school. i still use ain't. nuff said.
Posted by molly. at 8:28 PM 0 comments
facebook quizzes for everyone.
i just took a facebook quiz. someone said it was scarily accurate. after the simple questions like what is your favorite number and colors and such i thought it would be wrong. read it:
You don't like being sad so you hide it when you are from others and yourself. You enjoy being happy and up-beat, you don't like showing when you're unhappy. But at times the simplest thing can make you cry becuse you hold it in too long.
Posted by molly. at 5:13 PM 0 comments
i thought i was famous for over complicating things? hm. maybe i'm getting better. so here's my horoscope for today.
Posted by molly. at 7:17 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
this should be a good one.
actually probably not cause i'm too tired. but i have the right feelings now. they just came rushing back when i opened up this page.
Posted by molly. at 7:39 PM 0 comments