Friday, October 9, 2009

i am frustrated again.

my mother mentioned at dinner today that my father wants me to consider dropping babysitting so i can concentrate on my grades. ooooh. that that is what you guys were talking about on your way to the seminar. my stupid grades. i know this is the first time you have ever had a daughter that has gotten a C on a report card but don't jump the gun here. it is the first part of the year. we have barely been in school for a month. i have an algebra teacher who gives tests and quizzes on nothing that we cover in class. i also have a history teacher who mentions one thing then says that is fair for the test because she said it who gives us no warning for what our quiz is going to be like. so buzz off. if anything is causing me to get bad grades is the stress from home which causes me to be lazy and not want to do anything. i don't need to hear you fight with mother all day and only talk about the office. we do nothing except go to the office, do homework, go to school, go to the barn, and the one time i get out of the house and barn in MONTHS is when i babysit and you feel like taking that away from me. the kids frustrate me sometimes but if i wasn't babysitting i would most likely be at the barn anyways so might as well have me babysit and give me the chance that they could put me in a better mood than any of you here at home could.

okay so being reasonable i should probably say that when report cards come out if i have anything below an 80 or 85 or whatever you find acceptable, father, then i will quit babysitting. but that isn't going to happen. i'm reaching for straight As just to shove it in your face that i can do this. of course it would help if my algebra teacher actually put stuff on the test that we have homework on and go over in class instead of just something completely random. it would also help if i liked my history class because currently i hate the people in my class and i don't like the way my teacher does things. i want my old math and history teachers. i want my old history class. i want my old family. i want my old life.