Friday, October 16, 2009

i was just invited to a birthday party. i was completely shocked. i was invited to Dana's birthday party. she is on my IEA riding team. she goes to a different school so i only know her from there. we have gotten closer since last year but we are sort of riding only sort of stuff. i don't see her outside of riding lessons and shows so that was why i was sort of shocked that i was invited. i have no idea what other types of friends she has. i know she dated Alex or had some sort of relationship with him. she also knows Michelle and i think that Stephanie went to CCD with her. anyways. first reaction when i read that apart from the oh my god is she serious would probably be no. i am not a party girl. this is a dance party and i am not a big dancer. i have been to three dances before and they have not all been the best. they are actually sort of boring. or i feel out of place. i don't have the confidence where i can just go flaunt it on the dance floor or whatever you do at at dance party. plus i don't have any friends going. the only people i would know would be Dana, Abby Szat, Bella, Taylor, and if Moriah goes which i doubt. i'm not friends with them really. so i would be the loner. but on the flip side of that. i don't know anyone. there would be a bunch of people my age mingling that have never seen me before. they may not avoid me completely. it could be a new opportunity. the old Molly would never go to a dance party. maybe i could. it's next saturday. a week from tomorrow. that friday we have the spooky sleepover. which is just fine and dandy. so i would be exhausted from that. but at least i think Abby wouldn't mind going to sleep "early" because i know she has a sleepover the end night as well. but i need to think about this. plus i haven't even told my mother about it because she just got home from getting Maeve and Rosemarie from the dance where there was some sort of drama but i ain't asking.

i just want to record one thing. everyday this school week i wore an outfit i have never worn before all with clothes that i have worn before. it was a four day week but still that is pretty wonderful. i did a lot of layering stuff. no one in our school really does stuff like that so i probably stood out but heyyyy at hampshire regional we won't say anything to your face we will just say it behind your back!