Thursday, October 8, 2009

12 things to be thankful for as told by Girls' Life Magazine October/November 2009. Volume 16, Issue 2

1. One word: chocolate. We could probably stop the list right here. But if we did, then we'd miss out on...

2. Two words: Rob Pattinson. Oooh. So glad we didn't stop the list.

3. Your BFF. She laughs even when your jokes aren't that funny, cries along with you when you're upset and even shares her fave clothes with you. In short, she's always there when you need her. And that's DEFINITELY something you can be thankful for.

4. Peanut butter and jelly...the coolest combo. Ever.

5. Family. No matter who makes up your family, you know that they'll always have your back.

6. The heartless cutie who snubbed you. He taught you that moving on is possible and there is always other fish in the sea.

7. Rainbows. You don't see them all that often, but don't you feel amazing when you do?

8. Fall leaves. Nothing beats kicking you way through a pile of crispy orange, red, and golden ones.

9. Your favorite color. Just looking at it makes you happy.

10. Different cuts of jeans. Many moon ago, designers made just one kind of jeans. You either looked good in them-or you didn't. Today, every girl can find a pair that's juuuust right for her.

11. Modern feminine products. Yes, we're thankful for tampons. Did you know girls used to sit over a hole in the ground the entire time they had their period?

12. Deep breaths. Life is truly a gift.


Comments by Molly:

love chocolate, my twin, PB&J, and my family.
and thanks for turning out to be a creeper Matt, i ain't gonna waste my time again.
rainbows and leaves and purple. <3
still haven't find the exact right pair of jeans yet. and quest for the twins?
thanks for that info.
and yes. deep breaths. i don't have my life figured out. not even close. i am an insecure teenager. but i'm going to make it as long as i can take deep breaths. cause Life is truly a gift.