Sunday, October 18, 2009

the boyfriend list ; the boy book ; the treasure map of boys

i just finished reading that series of books. i like them. a lotttt. they were so realistic and i loved the voice of the main character, the way she talked and explained everything. it was really good. it took me a while to get into the first one but once i did i managed to read the last two in two or three days. it was extremely wonderful.

ah-k. so Matt just IM me or whatever on facebook asking for Ms. Lech's e-mail address. i went offline. woo! then he appeared on AIM so i pretended to be away. i am so sneaky.

i kind of want to do something today. i'm sick and tired of just moping around the house. so i believe i am going to go jump in the shower and get dressed. do the stalls and then probably go the grocery store. maybe if it wasn't raining i would be at the fall festival now but it is raining so it wouldn't be too much fun standing out in the rain. i wish i had figured out something to do with Abby earlier but i didn't. so i'm stuck at home.

and my mother was just as surprised as i was that i got invited to Dana's party. i told her yes. i'm sort of nervous about going but i'll do it. i wonder why she invited me in the first place. was it because she felt bad for me? but i really shouldn't think about that. i should just be happy i got invited and go to this party with an open mind. wooo.