Thursday, October 8, 2009

things you should do in your life courtesy of MLIA:

- when staring lovingly into your boyfriend/lover/husband/whoever's eyes don't blink. when he blinks yell "i won!" but if he catches on before then hope that you can keep your eyes open long enough
- never forget that revising a paper is like a condom, not your first priority but your obligation nonetheless. reading that seriously just made me want to go and revise my essay right now because saying "i'll do it later" or "it can wait" just sounds so wrong
- college is significantly better than hi!school
- to be continued.

seriously i should be revising my essay now but i still am not even after that lovely condom simile up there. instead i'll tell you all about how i don't like that last post and how i am really not a teenager who goes around complaining about her existing friends and non-existing friends along with lusting after boys. hahahahaha.

and by the way my parents didn't go on a plane. they drove. got that one wrong. but i'm sort of glad that is the case.

anyways i am a lucky girl. so so so so so lucky. end of story.

um now what. i had a bunch of stuff to talk about when i was on the bus. oh hold on. i want to buy the new glee songs. yeah i'm a gleek and proud of it.

so something to talk about. i was going to gauge my classes for you depending on the a) subject b) teacher c) kids in the class but i don't feel like talking about school. i think about school enough. i can't wait until i am out of that place. so why did i want a ring? hey, i'm still a high schooler even though i don't want to be one.

when i wrote i am full of confidence. i can write whatever. it doesn't matter. only Abby can read this who i trust so so so much. what happened? what happened from when we were an innocence child up to now? we use to not care what other people said, we were just ourselves. we were children. we had our friends. we didn't have a care in the world. what about now? we care what other people think. don't lie. you know you care no matter what how many people have told you that you shouldn't care. you worry. you have pressure pushing into you from all directions. you won't talk to someone because you are afraid of what they will say in return or you don't know what to say. oh wait. that's me.

what if they taught this blog in school. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA. can you see Mrs. Bush up in the front of the room talking about the theme of this book. "explain the title". i am seriously smiling now. grinning. so this is for the children out there who are reading this book against their will. hi. sorry if this is boring you. i'll try to spice it up for you though i think that whole condom bit above was a big jump from what i have talked about in my previous blogs. what did you english teacher think about that one? i bet now in your day and age they will have some sort of super duper pregnancy protector so you don't even know what a condom is. i'm not going to be the one to tell you. anyways, i'm not writing this blog for you. i'm writing this for me.

Maeve just took one of those facebook quizzes about who is her friend. I'm her best friend. Bella is her drinking buddy. so true. then for my mother it says - "would just of a bridge for you.. NOT!" for a second there i thought it actually got two things write in one quiz but then i saw the NOT! and plus i spelling error.

i wonder how many spelling errors i have in this thing. they would mostly be errors like that "of" and "off" because there is a lovely red line under a word if it thinks i spelled it wrong. like all my "i'm"s. i'm not spelling it wrong, i am just too lazy to care if i capitalize my "i"s or not.

and facebook just said i'm 50% ugly and 50% cute. my sister is 90% cute. i believe that 100%. i have always thought Maeve is the prettiest and Maura is the cutest. i'm just not. they lucked out in their genes. you would have thought my parents would give me the best ones since i was born first. but nooooo.

i just said that in a joking tone but i still think that Maeve is the prettiest and Maura the cutest. Maeve can wear anything and look wonderful in it. i can't. but i shouldn't care how i look. another one of those things that everyone cares about but shouldn't. i wonder if that will change in the future at all.

did you know that blacks couldn't marry whites until the 1960s? it was in that rule book up until then. kind of strange huh? but the thing i hate most about the whole racial thing is how people are still hung up on it. maybe it's because i am younger and whatever. i think i have already discussed this topic? yeah i'll move along now.

i took the buddy quiz thing on facebook. i think facebook has never been so right before.
Stephanie - Best Friend
Abby - Soul Mates
Katelyn - Drinking Buddies
Maeve - Facebook Friends
Bella- Would jump off a bride for you...NOT!

Only things I would disagree with on that would be Katelyn would be the one drinking, not me and Maeve is my sister so we are a bit more than just FB friends. and OUCH. i went there Katelyn, i went there. yeah i'm still angry at her but i'm trying not to touch on that subject since i talked so much about it last time.

now i need a new subject. do all teenagers think as much as i do? i seriously think a lot. i wish that i could just record all my thoughts right when i think them instead of having to come here and write them down. you guys are only getting the tiniest part of the way i think. you miss a lot. that is why a lot of this doesn't make sense or a lot of this is lies. gasp! did i just say a lot of this is lies? yeah i did but hear me out. all because you think something doesn't mean it is true. you can think "i am a dolphin" or "i am an alien" but that doesn't make you one. following me here? these are my thoughts. they are truthfully my thoughts. are my thoughts lies? maybe. are my thoughts the truth? maybe. how do you judge if thoughts are true or not? they are thoughts. maybe you could be a better judge of that if you could hear all my thoughts but you can't. not now a least. my peeps reading this for an english assignment in the future, let me know if you can read each other's thoughts now. just know that i would have loved to have that now. i also wonder if that is messing up your life more or making it better.

i think i am done now. for this blog at least. i'll be back. again and again. and i really have to figure out a better why to back this up so other teenagers can read this as an english assignment.