Thursday, November 5, 2009

today is one of those days that make me happy.

i just got back from seeing a play. it made me happy. it was one of those plays where everything worked out and made you happy. i love corny/clique/typical stuff like that. Hannah Montana movie? ummm I enjoyed it.

anyways it was very good and now i'm in a good mood so i decided i needed to write a blog. of course i should be studying for the vocab quiz or spanish quiz that i have tomorrow since i couldn't at the play because our spanish teacher was sitting right behind us.

and guess who i saw in the play? Abbyyy. i love Abby so much. like i know that even when i have all the worries about how i messed up and what is she thinking and how i just blah or said the wrong thing or messed up once again, i know she will be there. people say that if a friendship ends it never really was a friendship to begin with. yes - i saw that as someone's status on facebook but i do think it is sort of true because you do have to account for the fact that people change. Abby and mine friendship hasn't ended yet and i really don't see it ending because of the fact that a) we aren't in each other faces every second, even when i complain about how i never see her or do anything b) we understand each other. like to a sort of strange way. i think at least. when she write blogs or talks to me on AIM i can pretty much hear her saying it to me. i don't know if it goes the same way for her too. and if it doesn't then i will feel pretty stupid writing all of this but whatever. c) we're twins and vampires. duhhh.

so intermission i saw sawyer. oh my goodness. i said his name. how long has it been? i don't know because i don't keep track. sort of because i think i missed my chance. my chance was in the form of the first month or two of school. if you noticed during that play the God ended up with the first girl who talked to him. but hey i am who i am and well i'm not one to go out of my way to make friends unless it is sink or swim. in only one case it was sink or swim and that was when i became friends with Stephanie and maybe Abby too but that was seventh grade and all i knew was that i wanted to be friends with her and i thought i blew it. crap. i just sort of gave myself a slap in the face. i thought i had blew my chance to be Abby's friend and i didn't. i am thinking right now that i blew my chances with Sawyer. ha. what comes end in this equation. the "you didn't" part. but i'm not going to worry about it. i have enough to worry about. i think everything will be okay no matter what happens because i know that i will have Abby there. that is one person i can count on for anything. and if i blow it with her then i don't think there is any hope for me but i don't think it will get to that point.

stop being a negative nelly molly. k? k. well not really k. but whatever. i am so tired right now. who knows maybe this play was the turn around for me in my social ways. especially since today Katelyn almost drove me insane. "you never do anything for me. you don't care about anything, at least nothing relating to me." seriously, i don't appreciate you saying those things to me Katelyn.

whoops. i was slipping into negative territory there. i need to stay positive which is extremely hard. tomorrow is Maeve's birthday. tomorrow she has a friend sleeping over who invited herself over. tomorrow is friday. i can make it through tomorrow. tomorrow i don't have lunch with abby. tomorrow is going to be rough and hard but i can do it. i can make it through.

hi Abby.