Tuesday, November 10, 2009

so tomorrow i don't have school. today was fine. the one period that sort of stands out in my mind english. for several reasons. first cause Sawyer sat behind Vicky, next to me, diagonal from Katelyn, in front of Casey, diagonal from Devin. got the picture? probably not but it wasn't his usual seat. i think it was because he wanted to sit next to Vicky so he could work with her which he did. it was fine. i got to talk to him more which was a bit awkward but that is expected because duhhh i'm a social failure and such. but i'm trying to be nonchalant -vocab word!- about everything. but i need something to think and worry about because if not then what else am i suppose to think about? i haven't been stressing over horse shows lately and the next one isn't until December anyways but that one will be stressful because i need to get a certain place or higher to qualify for the next round. but i'm sort of whatever about that too.

Abby just scared me. she says via AIM "molly, i need to tell you something" and i freeze. like freeze and stare at the screen waiting for her to say something. i was excited and nervous, she could of said something life changing there. well i guess telling me not to stick my ipod headphones up my nose could be life changing.

anyways i really don't have anything to write about. i should be writing my novel now. but i'll do that when i get back from babysitting. glee's on tomorrow. what else? oh Katelyn is horrible. in english she was like "i hate you" in a sort of joking fashion then went on to say "you hate me" and just negative stuff like that and it is has been happening a lot more than it should and one of these days i'm going to snap. and in lunch Becca is annoying so so so annoying. whenever i look at her she goes "what?" then starts laughing. or if i'm not looking at her "what are you looking at? you are like staring at nothing?" and she laughs at the most non funny things and is so annoying. it's like just shut up! anyways i really should be writing about more and letting loose all my inner feelings but i have to go babysit.