Wednesday, December 16, 2009

hey. hey. hey. hey. hey.

i'm not sure what i want to talk about. so i'll write a list. history day. making gingerbread houses. science class today. elementary school. keeping on keeping on.

i'll start with history day even though i'm a bit behind and i'm not really feeling this way anymore, well sort of. mostly i think it was yesterday or maybe the day before or before that or whatever when we got out history day grades back. i got an 87. i wish it was higher but whatever. someone in my class got 100. i don't think their project deserved an 100, i think Ms. Carpenter just liked it. but what really was no good was when someone said they got a 91 in homeroom and he got beaten down like "ha! i got a 93 or 97 or 100" or whatever and the 91-er started to feel bad about his 91. yeah i didn't mention my 87. but what makes it all better is that i am moving on in history day with my 87 while those people with their 90s and 100s aren't. yep.

what's next on my list? oh right. today was very good after school before Abby came over and it was just wonderful. and i don't feel like writing a blog anymore even though i have a lot of good stuff to talk about. i think i am going to work on my story.