Monday, December 21, 2009

hey. you're kinda of cute. yeah. you.

hahaha. XD

anyways why i am writing this blog? not sure. well i do know why because i want you to try to understand my mind a bit better. like how come i think Sawyer's hair cut made him look even cuter and how just last week i was thinking to myself about how he needed to cut it. he did cut it and he looks very cute. and i did notice thank you very much. and i swear he was going to talk to me in english class today. he didn't but i thought he was going to. i was sitting in the row closet to the window, second seat back. i was on the one really over there, the other people were in the row next to me. Sawyer went and stood right in front of the first desk so he was facing me and he looked sort of like he wanted to say something but he didn't. then Devin started talking to him and he went over there. why didn't i say anything? mostly because i wasn't thinking about saying anything then. i need to plan. plus the thought didn't cross my head. i should of said something though. but that's in the past. next time i'll say something. but what is the strangest thing that happened today that is still relating to Sawyer is what happened on facebook. ooooo facebooook. i'll copy and paste for ya so you get the full effect:

Molly Ronan today is the first of winter. i was ready for winter to be done weeks ago.

about an hour ago · ·
Nancy Ronan
Nancy Ronan
But the days will start getting longer after today!
56 minutes ago · Delete
Sawyer Thompson
Sawyer Thompson
it's the first of winter? seriously? that's really sad
54 minutes ago · Delete

you see? first my mother commented then Sawyer commented. but that also means my mother got a notice, alert, whatever saying that someone also commented on their status. hopefully my mother doesn't say something asking who he is because then what i am going to say? oh he's just some guy that i use to be on a quest to make friends with but we don't talk at school and this is actually the first time he has talked to me almost ever online or offline. that would make her shut up. i wonder what he thinks about me but i don't care what people think so yeah.

what else? ohhh. i got new glasses. i'm trying to make myself like them. i tell myself i look sophisticated and hot and older in them. yeah it depends. sometimes when i look at myself in them i think i look amazing but then other times i think they look like crap. three people said something about them. only one said they liked them. but whatever. i don't care what other people think.

a week from tomorrow and glee comes out on DVD. i really can not wait for that day. and i'm thinking of helping Abby organize her holiday party because she seemed excited for that back when she first thought of it but she hasn't gotten around to organizing it yet so i'm pretty sure i'm going to have to help her. anyways i think that is all i have to say. i was thinking about writing something about death but that is such a yucky topic that i'd rather just stay positive and leave all that deep stuff for another day. i'll just leave it at all the shallow little teenage girl stuff today instead of showing my other "deep" side a.k.a. my i think way too much about stuff side.